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The team and I was still staring at that photo.

"You sure Natasha it's really blurry and you can't see the persons face." Steve asked. I looked at Tony who was typing away at his computer.

"Well one way to figure that out, I'm taking the photo and cleaning it up and then running facial recognition on the photo. I'm then running a photo from my security cameras of Percy while he was cooking. It should speed up facial recognition a little faster."

While we waiting Tony kept making random noises until, "Haha! Got it! According to the computer its about a 95% chance that the person in the photo is Percy." 

"That's impossible though, he couldn't have made it there and back faster then us and he was here cooking while we were gone." Steve countered. 

"On it!" Tony yelled typing at his computers.

"Check the trains! He once before told me he takes a lot of trains." I said Tony gave me a questionnaire face but turned back around typing some more. 

"Maybe let's answer one question first, how did he get there. I'm following his tracks. Bruce took him down to his lab, then we can follow him from there." Tony yawned making the rest of us yawn. 

The TV turned to the security feed and it showed Bruce and Percy talking. Bruce turned around and Percy took one look around and shrugged and got up. He followed Bruce out the door and was right behind him for a while. 

"From Bruce's body movement I don't think he knew Percy was following him." Clint mentions.

We all sat and watched as Percy walked by many Stark employees. Every time one past by him his back would straighten and he would nod at the person. No one stopped him as he got onto the jet.

"Why is no one stopping him? He doesn't have a badge he should have been stopped." Tony asks frustrated every time another employee nodded back at Percy. 

"Cause Percy showed them exactly what they needed to be showed. Now these people see someone walking behind Bruce with confidence, nodding at them. It puts away any suspicion, they want to see him sneak around and hide from Bruce but no he shows them what any normal employee would do. This is exactly what they train you in SHIELD." 

Clint starts backing out of the room, "You know it's late, I'm tired we can figure this out in the morning." 

I quickly shove Clint to the ground, "What are you hiding Barton?" I ask him. As much as I want to listen to Clint and go to bed I knew he was hiding something. This whole situation brought back a memory.

"Nothing I don't know what your talking about Natasha. I'm tired I want to go to bed." Clint tries getting up but I keep him down.

"See I don't believe you. You see when I met Percy after I escaped the red room and I said some guy was after me named Clint Barton, Percy visibly relaxed. I wasn't in the right mindset at the time to ask him about it. But Percy said to tell you that you owed him a favor. You knew Percy before you met me. How, Why?" I asked confused.

"Fine you caught me, Percy at one point helped me on a SHIELD mission. He saved my life. He saved my families life as well. I owed him so I taught him some stuff. Can we all go to bed now? I had a rough day and I think we can all say that."

I let Clint go even if he wasn't telling me the whole truth, but I knew one thing Clint was telling the truth about. Percy saved Clint's families life.

----------------------Time Skip Morning----------------------------------

Steve and Percy were up by the time I was up. By the amount of sweat on both of them I'm guessing Steve went on his morning run and Percy went to the gym. Percy was not a runner.

Percy would always joke about if you ever saw him running that you should run too because something had to be chasing him. Percy was a swimmer. He had the body to swim and he loved anything that evolved swimming. 

From Percy's stories of high school he would always tell me in a way I called the Percy Brag. Percy didn't brag but he would always tell me stories of him winning first in State for swim. I would tell him that he is so talented but Percy would wave off the complement telling me that he wasn't that good. The Percy brag. 

But anyways Percy would always tell me his high school stories. He was not good at school grades, tests, or anything educational but he dominated in swim and water polo he was basically a fish. 

Anyways I went down to get my morning coffee and found them both talking to each other. 

"Good morning Nat." Percy smiled at me a little to toothy for any given person this time of morning. 

"Good morning Percy. What time are you off today?" I ask.

He shrugs, "Probably afternoon. I'm going to stop by my mom's house for a little bit and then probably go out looking." 

I nod grabbing out my handcuffs better do this now. I grab his arm and handcuff it to the counter.

"Perfect then we will have time to talk!" I smile innocently as he rolls his eyes and brings his left hand down to near the handcuffs.

"No Percy, don't make me handcuff your other hand I know you can pick the lock!" I say as I grab another pair of handcuffs. He doesn't fight me and Steve rolls his eyes and sits down still close enough to hear but also not close enough to get involved. 

I put on my stone face and lean in closer to his face, "Tell me what you know Jackson!" 

"I know a lot of things." Percy says smiling, "I also know I was the one to teach you to not show any emotion while interrogating someone."  

"Did you teach me to slap someone when there not answer my questions?" Percy just shrugs and puts his hand on his face with his elbow on the table. 

"Now tell me. Wait how did your hand get free I handcuffed both your hand!" Percy again just shrugs and lifts his other hand to rest on his face. Now Percy has no handcuffs on any of his hands and both elbows are resting on the table. 

I turn back and Steve is shocked. "Natasha what are you asking of me? I mean I made you good homemade pizza yesterday wouldn't you agree so?"

I laugh, "Changing topics while being interrogated nice try you taught me everything you know. How did you get back to the tower after Sokovia?" 

This time Percy laughs, "I wasn't in Sokovia." Ohh that lie looked so real. It stings my pride how I wouldn't have caught it.

"Wanna try again?" I ask.

"How about I ask you a question Natasha?" Percy clearly has been thinking about this for a while. I nod telling him to go ahead.

"Why aren't you out there looking for Yelena?" I hear Steve stiffen in his chair and lean closer.

"What are you up to Percy?" I ask as my mind is racing.

"Your not telling me anything anymore. You used to tell me where to go, who to try and find with in the red room to take it down but you don't anymore why? Do you think Yelena's dead?"

"Percy I should have told you this earlier but the red room is gone. I killed the leader, Dreykov. The red room doesn't exist anymore. I don't know who your after but it's not the red room. Joining Shield I had to promise I wasn't apart of my past anymore that meant killing Dreykov. Now that the leader is dead the red room including Yelena are free. I told you that information for you to find her. But now I think she doesn't want to be found."

Percy looked like he was holding back tears and my heart was pounding. "You're wrong, Yelena is out there with the red room it's not dead." He whispered walking away. 

"Percy come on." I start to walk away but realized he hand cuffed my hand to the counter. "How?" I ask as Steve stands up. Percy just quickly runs into the other room. 

"Percy, I'm not done talking to you! Come Back! PERCY!" I screamed in frustration as Steve turned to look at me. "Go" I say a little softer as I turn my attention to getting the handcuffs off. 

Percy Jackson and the AvengersOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant