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Dinner had finished quickly and Chiron announced the teams. Hunters vs the rest of camp.

Campers were blue team and I was super happy about it. Estelle only helps out in the infirmary and usually doesn't like playing the game which I think is very grown up of her. Something I was unable to do by the way. 

Getting ready I helped put on younger campers armor. We then headed out. Blue team were going over plans in the Athena cabin with Malcolm. "Percy is are main offense. I want everyone else on defense. Everyone do there usual. Leo, Piper, Calypso, I want you lot to be on the left side. Nico, Clarrise, Katie, I want you on the right side. Lewis, I want you to take the Stolls with you where ever they are." Malcolm commanded looking around for the Stolls. "I swear they were easier to find as tinier teenagers." Malcolm said laughing at his own joke.

"Got it Malcolm!" A voice that was definitely Travis's came from no where. 

"Ohhh, Percy Jackson has returned! Why is he standing in the back. Oh look I got everyone's head to turn to Percy like immediately. Lets try this again campers! Look at Malcolm and his weird plan and welcome back on stage THE PERCY JACKSON!" 

I smacked my forehead and looked down not liking how everyone was looking at me. "Very funny you guys come out and give me a hug I know you've missed me." I say looking around to find the two trouble makers. 

Nothing in the world would have prepared me to see Travis holding up a baby in front of the crowd like Simba. "Percy I would like you to meet, Lucas Percy Stoll. Percy and Lucas for our fallen brothers." 

Malcolm cleared his throat, "I'm sorry beautiful moment I'm ruining but capture the flag, everyone needs to head to the forest!" With that many left. I just stood there eyes locked with Travis as tears threaten to fall down my face. Travis, Connor, and I all got close before the world fell apart. We would prank, and steal supplies together. Once almost everyone had cleared out of the room except for a few of my friends, Connor showed up behind me slowly patting my back. 

"We miss you bud." He said bring me into a hug. I hugged back and Travis walked over with Lucas. 

"You want to hold your godchild?" Travis asked as he took a step back holding his hand out to non other Katie Gardner from Demeter cabin. 

I instead took a step forward and hug Travis, extra careful of the baby between us. "Godchild? There's no way I am the god parent to this beautiful child. I also would like to say I knew it! You two were always said it was just a prank war but whenever I mentioned the other you two would blush like crazy!" 

Travis laughed handing me Lucas, Connor patted me on the back. "I'm confused I thought I was the god parent?" Connor asked while smacking his brother over the head.

"Nah, I told you that you could be god parent until Percy or Luke showed there face at camp again. You said that it was pretty good chances for you so you took it." Travis pointed out as Katie shook her head.

"But I mean it was a losing bet, he's Percy Fricken JACKSON!" Connor would have continued if Malcolm didn't open the door.

"Come on idiots we have a game to play." I gently handed Lucas back to his Momma as the Stoll brothers and I walked out of the Athena cabin. 

"How old is Lucas?" I asked,

"9 months, he can already support his head and he's working on crawling." Travis replied smiling.

"Get your head in the game! We have to win this!" Malcolm stressed.

We quickly made it to the forest in time to hear Chiron yell out the rules. 

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