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Bruce came into the kitchen, "thought you two wanted to know Percy's awake. Is probably talking with Clint right now though."

Natasha and I nodded our thanks to Bruce. "Remember the plan?" I ask Natasha.

"Yes but are you sure about this what if Percy comes looking for you once he wakes up. He will be so mad at himself if anything happened to you." Natasha warned me.

"Yeah but when you joined SHIELD and you cut connections with your past you needed to do that alone and I know Percy he will want to join me and even if he's a mutant I need him to be safe he's not some really powerful god or something he's still a civilian." 

Natasha nodded grabbing the needle from the counter and putting it in a hidden pocket. The plan was for her to place it in the room when she got in so Percy wouldn't suspect her of having a weapon. Once I tell Percy Natasha is going to sneak up and grab the needle from behind him and put it in his arm.

_____________Line Break(:_______________________

I knocked on the door and briefly heard Percy call that he was coming. 

In the hallway was me and Natasha as Percy opened the door. "You know your very lucky Jackson, if you weren't injured I would have punched you." I said walking into the room.

"Come on in." Percy says sarcastically as he lean against the door. 

"When were you going to tell us?" Natasha asks sitting down looked very mad.

"Honestly, never. I didn't want you two to look at me differently." Percy says, wrong answer.

"You didn't have these powers as a kid so when did you develop them?" I ask. 

"When I was twelve. Some guy noticed I was quote on quote different and saw me using my powers. He kidnapped me and two of my friends. If I ever decided to teleport away I would be leaving my friends behind. At the time I didn't know I could teleport with other people."

"Wow and every time I brought up your file to you, you would tell me wrong place wrong time. That's how you survived the fall from the Arch didn't you." It was more of a statement then a question but Percy still nodded to Natasha's statement.

"Percy," I began but paused how should I put this, "I didn't get to tell you this cause of the whole incident at your apartment but, I'm going away again." I looks down, trying to not look at Natasha as she moves across the room. "There are so many other red room widows that need someone to free them from the mind control and I need to figure out how to live my life. Not a life behind the controls one where I am the controls."

"That's okay Yelena I can come help you track down if you look in the files I gave Clint it's all the bases I found and your going to need help." Percy grabs his coat. Clint has already given me the files there very detailed and amazing. I was surprised that Percy risked his life for the files. 

"Percy, I need to do this next step by myself. I need to make amends I plan on leaving as soon as possible I just wanted to say my goodbyes first."

I look at Natasha, "You knew about this?" Percy asks. Natasha nodded, "Yelena I just got you back I can't say goodbye again. I'm coming with you nothing can change my mind."

I smiled sadly, as Natasha walks behind Percy slowly. "I know you're too loyal to let me go by myself so that's why I brought back up, just in case. Percy I'm truly sorry." While talking Natasha put a needle in Percy's neck bring him to the floor gently.

Tears were running down my face as well as Percy's, "Please don't do this, your going to need back up and I can't lose you again. What did you give me? It's making my mind all fuzzy, wake up come on" Percy was telling myself.

"Don't fight it Percy just go under." I say as I talk in Percy's image he truly has changed since he was a kid.

 "No! Please, Yelena come back!" Percy yelled. I laughed a little as more tears fell. Only Percy would think I would leave without making sure he was okay and out. I stood above him until he finally was out. I handcuffed Percy to his bed before leaving a note in his hands. I hugged Natasha one last time and grabbed the files Percy had on the red room. 

"Are you sure your making the right choice?" Natasha asked me.

I only just nodded as tears fell down my face.

I took one step at a time out of the building and didn't turn back. I left the only friend and my only sister behind in that tower hoping they would be okay without me. 

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