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We all heard about Percy making it out of the hospital and is now with his sister. The hospital called us that he was now gone after waking up. He snuck out when he wasn't supposed to and now they don't know where he is at. We all knew he was probably fine and will come and find us when he's ready. 

We all been procrastinating but today was the day we finally decided to do some good. The team was getting together and packing up the things at Avengers tower. It was now going to repurposed to be Stark Industries and we needed to move our stuff out. Clint, Thor, and I planned to clean out our rooms and then clean the others rooms.

We were all grieving but we decided we would do each other the other members rooms together so we wouldn't be alone in a room. It was a good idea. We first decided to clean out Natasha's room. I was shocked to find pictures of her, Yelana, and Percy when they were young. 

I wasn't that shocked to find dangers, knives, and other deadly weapons in her room. There's probably more that we haven't found yet. We also found a notebook with code words written in at and lessons she has learned over the years. Clint put it in his box of Natasha's things he wants to keep. 

We also found a really old phone, that had more coded messages on it. I thought it might be a good idea to give it to SHIElD as they would know what to do with it. 

The next room we went to was Steve. His was the easiest so far. Steve had pictures and notebooks filled with drawings but other than that nothing to personal. It looked like Steve was a massive drawer and had drawn each one of us. 

The last room we were in was Tony's. Pepper had all ready pack boxes of Tony's things that she thought we might want to keep or just pack away, so all we had to do was move the boxes and go through them. 

Thor grabbed all of the boxes moving them to the living room. We were in the middle of all the boxes when the elevator rang. 

"What's up peeps?" A voice behind us said. We turned around to see Percy standing there. He wore a smile and someone was trying really hard to hide behind him.

"Percy?" Clint asks getting up and giving Percy a hug. "This must be your sister, Estelle! I've heard so much about you!" Clint said giving her a hug as well.

"What are you all up to? Where is everyone else?" Percy asks looking around the corner to see if he can spot anyone else. Percy frowns at are saddened expressions.

"You should sit down Perce." Clint says exchanging worried glances at us.

"Okay." Percy says leading Estelle to one of the couches. "Is this all of Tony's stuff? Oh gods is Tony.." Percy brought a hand to his mouth. 

I nodded and Percy gasps, eyes wide. "No, how.. How?" Percy says and Estelle reaches out and hugs Percy. 

"Young mid-guardian, we are the only ones left." Thor says.

Percy starts shaking, "No, your lying there not gone. Not yet. Steve and Tony... I'm sorry I need fresh air." I say standing up, "I'll be back Estelle." Percy walked over to the stairs going up them. 

"Jarvis, let us know where Percy ends up?" Clint asks.

"Of course." Is the British reply.

"That is so cool!" Estelle says, "Oh and I'm so sorry for your loses. From what Percy has told me about all of you, you all were family to him." 

"Yeah, that's why were so worried for Percy." I say.

"Yeah but Percy's strong." Estelle begins but Jarvis's voice cuts in.

"Sorry to interrupt but Percy has made it to the roof." Jarvis lets us know.

Clint stands up really quickly running over to the elevator pushing the buttons.

"What?" Thor asks confused.

"Percy has a history of self harm." Is all Clint says before I run over to the elevator as well.

"What do you mean Percy has a history of self harm! There's no way! We are talking about my older brother still right!?" Estelle yells joining us as the elevator open. Thor just sits there confused watching as the elevators closes.

"We can't all go up to him at once, he'll feel crowded." I comment.

"Who should go? A doctor, his friend, or his sister?" Clint asks rolling his eyes, "That's not an impossible choice or anything. Obviously it should be his sister and if she needs help we will be on the level just before the roof."

I agreed and Clint and I got off the elevator just before the roof. 

"Sooo, how do you think the chat will go?" Clint asked right as soon as the doors closed.

"Idk, why you asking me?" I replied with. Clint and I went to sit down on the floor when the elevator number went down again.

"Really short chat?" Clint asks confused. The doors open to revile a past out Percy and Estelle holding onto his shoulders pushing him upright to lean against the back wall.

"What happened?" I ask standing up and rushing into the elevator.

"Like I know? I went up there preparing to have a nice long chat and he was just past out shaking, he is surprising light for all the muscular he is." Estelle says sitting down breathing heavy. 

I hit Percy's shoulders over and over, "Percy, wake up. Percy come on wake up!" With no response I check his pulse and breathing. His breathing and pulse are faster rate then they should be at. I look behind me to see Clint has already clicked the elevator button to my medical lab. 

We get down there and Clint just grabs Percy over his shoulder and puts him on a bed. 

"Estelle's right Percy is really light. What's the last thing you saw him eat after the hospital Estelle?" 

"Um, I didn't see him eat dinner yesterday but he did have one small blue pancake this morning, when I asked he said it was fine his ability to eat food is hard after Tartarus."  

"What's Tartarus?" I ask as I grab my medical bag checking Percy's blood pressure.

Estelle and Clint exchange looks. "That's what Percy calls the worst week of his life. He was starved, beaten, poisoned, and so much more." Clint says.

I nod cursing, "Percy's blood pressure is really low and his temperature is really high. If that's all he's eaten my greatest guess is he's manicurist to the point of body failure. His body is trying to conserve what little nutrients it has left. I'm going to run an IV." 

Estelle and Clint just watch as I work on getting an IV ready. "How long have you all known Percy?" Estelle asks.

"I've known him since I went to camp when I was 15." Clint responds.

"That makes so much more sense on how you know T then." Estelle nods to Clint smiling.

"Yeah.." Clint says awkwardly. as I stuff the needle into Percy's vain. 

"I also don't think I've seen Percy drink any water since the hospital either." Estelle comments sitting on the end of the bed.

"Nah he should be fine, with the nutrients I'm giving him he won't need water." I supply.

"Thank you, you all seem to love Percy here." Estelle thanks. 

"Yeah well Percy has done a lot for our team as well. Natasha used to not be in such a bad mood when ever he was around." Clint laughed at the memory sadly.

"She seemed like an amazing friend."

"Yeah she was. Anyways once Percy wakes up let me know I want to give him a hard time for always ending up in the Avengers medical bay when ever he comes over." Clint says walking away.

"Estelle you hungry, Clint, Thor, and I plan on getting pizza, wanna join?" I offer.

"Love too!" Estelle says laughing as we head upstairs. 

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