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Okay kind of weird. 

First Clint Barton shows up out of no where, I thought he died. Then I find out Percy knew Clint was alive. THEN, Percy shows up with no memories again! Chiron wasn't that surprised and Mr D just laughed and teleported away I assume to tell everyone the bad luck of the Hero Percy Jackson. 

My pride hurts just a little bit of the amount of respect Percy gets. The younger campers are always like Percy did this and Percy did that, guess what I was there too. You don't see a crowd form where ever I go. 

It also doesn't help that Lewis idolizes Percy. I mean yippy do, Percy saved Lewis and got to know him when the other kids were struggling to connect with him. Ever since then Lewis has found the passion of telling the younger children the story of Percy Jackson. 

Jason and the others all adore Lewis, he has become the younger brother of the group. All except me, I think he hates me. I think he purposely tells Percy's story with out me in it. Which makes me mad.

Which is why I came with a solution. Percy has had a PTSD attack, without his memories he is unstable. If I can prove to the younger campers that Percy isn't some Hero then maybe they won't believe Lewis's lies. It's the perfect opportunity. 

Here's my plan, tonight during campfire I will convince Percy that everyone has been lying to him. We didn't break up, Lewis and the others threatened me not to tell. I'll slip him a drug that will amplify his emotions and then i'll say his triggers! I'll lead him to camp fire where everyone will see a broken Percy Jackson freaking out!

First I needed that drug, I went to the infirmary and found Zarontin. It will work perfectly. I then made my way to the Poseidon cabin. 

"Percy wake up, hurry Percy wake up!" I said while shaking Percy awake. 

Percy sat up, "What? Annabeth?" He asked. 

"Yeah, Percy I have to tell you something. They are lying to you, all of them. We never broke up I love you!" I say hugging him, Percy immediately hugs back and I smile. 

"Why would they lie?" Percy asked.

"Cause the titian's threatened us that if we didn't hand you over they would kill everyone. We knew with your loyalty you would hand yourself over so they came up with this crazy plan. I know how to restore your memories though. Take this." I show him the tiny pill in my hands. 

He hesitantly grabs the pill, when a knock comes from the door. 

"You can't tell anyone I was here okay?" I say as I back into the bathroom.

I heard Percy get up and answer the door. Did he take the pill?

"Percy my boy!" The voice sounded familiar but I couldn't place it.

"Dad!" Percy said. Ohh makes sense Mr D probably spread the word.

"I didn't just come from a social call son, I heard what happened. I convinced Apollo to help." 

Crap no no no, what do I do, what do I do?

"No it's okay Apollo doesn't have to look at me anymore." Percy stated.

What is he doing? Think of a new plan new plan!

"Oh your memories came back?" Poseidon asked.

"No Annabeth gave me a pill promising my memories to come back after I took it. I took it so I don't know how long until the affects kick in." Percy paused and raised his voice, "How long did you say Annabeth?" Percy asked. 

I knew my gig was up, "Hey Poseidon, didn't know you were coming over tonight." I say trying to act causal.

"What pill did you give Percy to get his memory back." 

"No pill, just some ambrosia." I say.

"No it definitely was a pill." Percy looked at me confused.

"Clearly it didn't work so i'll be heading out." I say as I sneak past Poseidon. 

"Nope, not until you tell me the truth. If not we can go ask Will what pills are missing from the infirmary and he can tell me." Poseidon threatened. 

"Fine, go right ahead it was not a pill." Hopefully the pill would take affect before Will could count up how many pills are in each container. 

A long walk with Percy and Poseidon to finally find Will at the campfire with Nico.

After a long awkward talk with Will and Nico we found ourselves in the infirmary counting pills. 

I told Percy he can head over to the campfire as Will counts and Poseidon didn't argue.

After a while Will turned around, "You wouldn't." Is all Will said as he ran out of the room.

Nico grabbed the bottle Will put down and looked up at me, "YOU GAVE PERCY ZAROTIN? You do realize that's for someone with strokes?!"  Nico yelled at me. Poseidon flashed out. 

I looked at Nico, "No Zarotin is to amplify emotions. Kenzie my sister takes it, says she just gets massive mood swings." I say in a matter of duh.

"That's because Kenzie suffers from strokes!" Nico screamed at me ready for a fight.

I paled, "Ohh.." I let me stupid pride get me into this mess. I wasn't thinking and I've dug a bigger hole in the situation. Now the younger campers will tell stories of Annabeth Chase someone who fought along side Percy and betrayed him in the end. 

Nico punched me and everything went dark.

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