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When I was in the war many soldiers stole the quote the British were using to keep spirits up. The quote still around in modern times, I stand by. It's hard to remember your past and not have any regrets. Moving on to the future is the hardest part of me being from a different time period. 

So when Fury told us about a case about a barely adult kid who did nothing wrong in his file except for being kidnapped and having a missing father and stepfather I repeated the slogan from my time, "Keep Calm and Carry On." 

Looking around the room it was tense. Clint, Natasha, and Thor clearly did not care for what Fury had to say. Banner was confused as to why we were going after some normal kid. I was with him on that confusion, Stark was late like always. While Fury, well Fury looked furious. 

Looking around I knew this assignment wasn't going to work out. No one had motivation and there was zero proof that this kid did anything wrong at all. I think Fury also noticed cause he sighed and took a deep breath and continued on with a long speech. I tuned him out for some parts here and there because it was so long and boring.

"The world needs heroes, and heroes can't fight all the battles...You all are motivations to the world... But I can clearly see no ones heart is in it..Pain is Life....Together and united....That's why it's important for us to go after this kid....But after much thought maybe this kid isn't so bad.... problem, solution, we don't have to go after the kid....I am the boss.... Listen and obey... But just this once... Just keep your eye open for him... Understood?"

I think most of the others in the room were asleep so I gave a strong, "Yes, sir!" waking the others. Stark choice this time to walk into the meeting room. "Meeting dismissed." Fury said walking quickly out of the room. 

"So Captain what I miss?" Many rolled there eyes and groaned. 


Sorry short chapter: Longer chapter will come out soon, I just needed this chapter to be information. Fun fact that slogan originating from World War two is true!

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