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I took Percy's motorcycle and was able to get to camp before him. How I know? Boarder patrol hasn't seen him yet. About five minutes later a taxi pulled up and Percy got out. I smiled at him, "Getting away from the chaos?" I ask as he exits the taxi. 

"It's creepy to stay in a building full of strangers that know me." Percy replied smiling up at Thalia's tree. "Your team was telling the truth right? I did lose my memories?" 

I nodded while Percy sighed, "I just had to check out and make sure camp was okay you know?" 

I laughed and nodded, "Hey I haven't been back here since I left so I know as much as you told me."

"Is it awkward between me and Annabeth?" Percy asked.

"No from what I heard it was a mutual break up after Nico found out how bad your mental health was." 

"Which surprises me that I even told anyone. I also can't believe that I stopped."

"Stopped what?" I asked confused.

"Cutting myself." Percy replied looking away.

"What!?" Percy has been cutting himself since when?

"Oh, oops I assumed you knew. Uhh maybe I should shut up." Percy replied walking up the hill.

"We are not done talking about this Jackson. But first we should let Chiron know of your situation so no one freaks you out more." I say running up the hill to catch up.

We walk into camp and Percy relaxes almost on instinct. "Percy your back man! The entire camp was worried when we found out your apartment blew up again!" Some young camper smiled at me, "Is this a new camper? Hi I'm Lewis, Apollo's kid go visit Chiron in the big house he will explain everything for right now I'm going to steal Percy real fast, a lot of people want to see him!" 

This Lewis character grabbed Percy's arm and ran away. I chased after them it would not be good to let Percy by himself even if I wanted to talk to Chiron. 

Lewis led Percy to the Zeus cabin and knocked, "Come in!" Came a voice. 

Percy carefully walked in and I followed. From what I remember this is Thalia's cabin before she joined the hunters. Walking in further I got a better view of people around a table looking like there planning something. Annabeth was there along with Will, Nico and Thalia. I smiled at Will's shocked face.

"Clint?" Will asked moving around the table. 

"Hey Will!" I laugh a little as Lewis turned around.

"You know the new kid?" Lewis asked as Will ran and hug me. 

"Hey Annabeth, Nico, Thalia." I say nodding. There eyes widen and they nod back.

"Wow Percy I was going to murder you for not checking in sooner but bring back Clint Barton to camp is not what I expected. We were ready to send out search party's for you, you know. You didn't follow protocol at all, we compromised on you checking in with your mom every other day and with camp every week, mister!" 

"Your all so grown up, this is not what I expected. We're all alive?" Percy started tearing turning around, "I definitely thought one of you all would die by the age of twenty." 

"Are you okay Percy?" A dude surprisingly looking like Thor asked.

"Um no he's not." I trail off while all eyes turn to me, "Percy may or may not have lost his memories again. He thinks he's sixteen." I say slowly.

"What?!" Annabeth yelled.

"Yeah, there's a solution it's just going to take a while. The antidote is on it's way, it's being shipped." I say folding my arms.

Percy Jackson and the AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now