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Percy was taken upstairs to one of the guest rooms. We had to explain to him that he needed to stay with us for a few weeks while his memory problem got situated. We had to reintroduce everyone to Percy. By the time all the avengers knew about Percy's condition it was smooth sailing.

Percy didn't talk much like he normally did. I assumed it was because this is Percy of a different age. He has no idea what is going on. Clint promised Percy to take him home tomorrow and to take Percy to camp which Percy perk up on. Clint also had to sit down Percy and explain to him about this Annabeth girl. I have never heard of her before but to sixteen year old Percy she seemed like the world. 

After dinner the team gathered together to have are annual spars. Thor wanted to sit out instead fascinated by something Percy was telling him. According to Clint there was an accident that had reached Asgard's ears. Thor was curious of the stories which he had heard and since Percy's memories of the accident are fresh Thor is hearing more details that even Asgard has never heard of. 

Of course I was curious but I knew Percy was still trying to warm up to the group and I didn't want to damper that and slow down the process. 

"Hey Percy you want to spar?" Clint asked laughing.

"Sure" Percy shrugged.

"Really?" Clint asked.

"Yeah I could go for a good spar." Percy replied.

Everyone stopped at what they were doing to watch. Percy took down Clint so easily last time. How would Percy do know that he's only sixteen in an early twenty year old body.

Percy took Clint down pretty easily again. But that's not what left all the avengers mouths open. Percy flicked his hand lazily at his water bottle making a joke to Clint that it was, 'Too far away'

But as Percy flicked his hand, the water bottle was covered in a sea blueish greenish tint and was thrown against the wall. The same sea greenish blueish tint of coloring also was in Percy's hand. 

Percy was just as surprised as us. He turned around to look at Clint eyes wide, "Did, Did I do that? But that's not possible that's not my power." 

"Yeah Percy's power is to teleport." Tony piped up forgetting that this Percy had no idea we knew.

"What!?" Percy screamed, "What do you mean I can teleport." I stood up confused. Percy said he knew he could teleport at the age of twelve but this Percy is sixteen and is going crazy like he had no idea. 

"Time out everyone freeze!" I yelled Clint was whispering to Percy and Percy's eyes were wide.

"Percy you can't teleport?" I ask confused. Everyone else wanting to ask the same question.

"No no I can.. I just didn't know you all knew but Clint just informed me you all did." Clint looked a little too relieved. I on the other hand was more and more confused.

"Clint how did Percy move the water bottle?" I ask, politely and sweetly. 

"Hey Percy promised me he was going to tell you and Yelena but then you all decided to mess up his memories so I guess I'll be the one stuck telling you all this. Percy has the power of the mind stone on top of being a mutant."

"What?" Wanda yelled behind me. "How is this possible?" 

Clint sighed, "The day Thor created Vision, Percy was holding on to Vision's box. The electricity flowed through the mind stone and gave Percy the ability to move objects with his mind. He also told me he had more strength and agility from the mind stone."

"I did?" Percy cut in, "Awesome! What's the mind stone?" The team all agreed to send Percy to his room while we talked. 

After the adults talked for a while and we figured out what happened to Percy, Tony and Bruce both wanted to run test on Percy to make sure he was okay with the whole mind stone. Far as we know the mind stone abilities are killing him. I was a little upset Percy didn't tell me sooner but I realized he had no idea until he was almost killed in his apartment again.

The team all gathered outside Percy's room and knocked, no one replied. We knocked again to open the door a second later. The room was empty, no Percy in sight. Clint sighed, "I know where he's at but I must go alone. I promised Percy I would never take anyone to his safe house." Clint said walking away. 

The team just stared at his back as he left. 


Another short chapter I apologize I was half way through the chapter till I thought this should be in Clint's point of view because he's going to take Percy to camp. But I had to keep running with Natasha's point of view so I just added on to the plan I had in my head. 

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