Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Foy wasn't sure what she'd walk into at the police department. She hadn't heard from Hoss since he was slapped by Harrison at his penthouse, and she couldn't blame him. If he wasn't pissed off, he had to be embarrassed. To be slapped in a room full of people, two of which were women, had to be emasculating as hell and she wasn't sure Hoss' pride could survive something like that. Underneath all of that forced masculinity was still a man longing for acceptance and love. Two things that Harrison's money couldn't buy.

When Foy walked through the lobby and around the administrator's desks, she was about to pass by Hoss' office until she saw him sitting there. "Jonah?"

"I think I figured it out."

"Figured out what?" she asked, walking inside of his office.

"Close the door, first."

"Okay..." she said, as she closed the door. "What's up?"

"I think I know why Harrison is so obsessed with the Cordova girl," he replied. "Come here, look."

She walked around the desk and stood behind Hoss' chair. There were two pictures up on his screen, they looked the same. "Okay, what am I looking at?"

"These are Drue Cordova's x-rays from the night she was in that car accident." As Hoss was talking, Foy couldn't help but smell the scent of alcohol and cigarettes coming off of him. "Notice anything?"

"Yeah, you've been drinking."

"Sue me. But I'm talking about the x-rays, Brianna. The one on the left is of her broken arm, taken the night she was admitted and the one on the right is the next morning."

Foy leaned in closer to the screen. "Oh shit, her arm healed in under twenty four hours?"

Hoss sat back in his chair and nodded. "It took me all night, but I think I finally figured it out," he said, proudly. "Drue Cordova is a Fae that can heal."

"So, you think that's why Harrison is interested in her? I don't see how the two are connected."

"I figured you'd say that, so I looked into Harrison's medical history, and I found this." Hoss flipped through a folder and pulled out a piece of paper. He handed it to Foy, who grabbed a chair and sat down beside him. He watched as she skimmed through the paper and anxiously waited.

"Fuck," she whispered. "Harrison had two strokes within a year of each other," she revealed. Hoss nodded. "Shit, he looks good."

"Yeah, that's what I said, but have you ever thought about why he looks so good? Especially for a man in his mid-seventies."

Foy's eyes darted between her partner and the piece of the paper. "You don't think--"

"I do," Hoss said, nodding. "I think Harrison is using Faes to heal himself."

"But Drue Cordova is the only Fae we know of that can heal. There are a bunch of Fae out there that have different powers."

"You're right, she's the only Fae we know of. But what if there are more?" He leaned in closer to her. "Harrison asked me to keep him involved in any suspicious deaths around Camden Hills, right?" Foy nodded. "And what's more suspicious than four unrelated murders?"

"Okay, but those murders weren't Fae."

"Okay, fair enough but check this out," Hoss said, grabbing another folder. "I did a little digging. All four of the women killed all owned or frequented the shops in the Delta District," he said, handing the folder to Foy.

She looked up and frowned. "And?"

"And... all four women's bodies were taken to the same funeral home." He grabbed another folder and opened it. "McGee Funeral Services is currently owned by Solomon Shade, who happens to be a former employee of Carlyle Industries." Hoss pointed to the folder and said, "This is it, Bri. I know it is."

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