Chapter Nine

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Ryan was sitting at the kitchen table in front of her laptop and sipping a cup of coffee when Kris walked in. "Hey."

"Morning," Ryan said, without looking up. "Coffee's already made."

"Thanks." Kris grabbed a mug out of the cabinet and walked over to the coffee machine. "Working from home today?"

"Yeah, I'm reviewing the welcome pamphlet for this new consulting firm my job just hired."

"I didn't know banks needed consulting."

"Neither did I but my boss wants to revamp our entire presentation," Ryan said. "He thinks our whole platform is outdated."

"It is."

Ryan looked up underneath her eyelashes and frowned, as Kris sat down across from her. "You got in late last night."

"Did I?" Kris said, shrugging. "I didn't notice."

"I waited up for you."


"Where were you?"

"Visiting a friend."

Ryan sat back underneath the bay window and raised an eyebrow. "Why do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Dismiss my question."

"Maybe you ask too many questions?"

"You went to see Nadia, didn't you?"

Kris took a sip of her coffee and said, "That's a question."


"Okay, fine. I went to see Nadia. Why does it matter?"

"You know why it matters," Ryan replied. "We have to be careful about who we associate ourselves with now. At least until this whole thing with Drue is resolved."

"I don't see how that concerns Nadia."

"Oh, you don't see..." Ryan sneered. "Kris, she's Dark Fae. I'd say that's concerning, wouldn't you?"

"Of course you do but that's beside the point," Kris said.

"No, that's exactly the point. I know you and her have history, but it doesn't change what she is."


"And..." Ryan said, sitting forward. "I just think you need to put some space between you two. That's all."

"Okay and would you like me to delete her number and act like I didn't date her for an entire year as well? Should I remove her from my Facebook friend list too?"

"You know what? Forget I said anything." Ryan slammed her coffee mug on the table and returned to her laptop. "No, you know what? I'm not gonna forget it." She slammed her laptop shut. "You may think that I'm just being a bitch, but I don't care."

"You said that, I didn't."

"Jesus Christ, you're stubborn. Kris, look. This is serious. What's going on with these Undine murders is serious. Drue, my daughter, your niece, could be in real danger, okay?"

"You think I don't know that?" Kris hissed. She gripped the handle of her coffee mug and snatched her eyes away.

"I don't know but I need you to be here for me and your niece," Ryan said, taking a deep breath. "I need you to be clear-headed and focused. Not hung up on some former fling."

"Hey, screw you!" Kris yelled, pointing her finger at Ryan. "Nadia is much more than just a fling, so watch how you speak about her, or this conversation is over." After a second, Kris lowered her hand and sat back in her chair.

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