Chapter Five

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"You seriously don't remember me coming to visit you at the hospital?" Lex asked, raising an eyebrow. "Is that because of your concussion?"


"Damn. How do you feel now?"

"My body is a little sore but that could be because I was lying in the worst bed known to man."

"Well, I'm happy you're okay." As they took their seats at the bar, she signaled the bartender. "Now we can celebrate you getting your internship."

Her internship. Right. She had forgotten all about that. "About that..." Drue's voice trailed off. "We may have to hold off on that."

"What?" Lex asked, her head jerked around. "What do you mean?" The bartender appeared in front of them and Lex ordered a pair of mimosas. "The last time we spoke, you were excited about it."

"I was but that was after I got the job and before I was hospitalized for two days."

"Oh yeah." Lex pouted. "I'm sorry." She rubbed her best friend's arm and said, "Did you try calling them to maybe explain what happened?"

Drue nodded. "I called and left a message," she said, flatly. "But I haven't heard anything yet."

When the bartender returned with their drinks, Lex winked at him and said, "Thank you."

Not subtle at all, Drue thought to herself. "So, what have I missed?" she asked. "How are you and Ethan doing?" Lex cleared her throat as she spun her straw around in her glass. Drue knew what that look meant. "Okay, tell me what happened."

"What makes you think something happened?"

"Because I know you and I know that look. So, tell me."

Lex's shoulders slumped down. "Well, technically, nothing happened," she replied. "I'm just--" she shrugged. "I just don't think either of us are happy anymore."

"What do you mean? Didn't he come up to see you this past weekend?"

"He did and it was nice to see him but I-I don't know. I guess... I'm just... bored?" Lex phrased it more like a question instead of a statement. "I mean, I thought after not seeing him for a month, he'd be more... excited to, you know, be with me but he wasn't. All we did was cuddle and watch movies together."

"Oh, you poor thing," Drue said, placing her hand on Lex's shoulder. "That sounds like one terrible weekend."

"Real funny but you know what I mean."

"I do and I wish I didn't. You expected Ethan to jump on you the minute he saw you and since he didn't, you're mad."

Lex sneered. "First of all, I'm not a child so don't make it sound like that," she said, pointing her finger. "Secondly, I am mad. So what? Is that such a bad thing? Shouldn't he have been more excited to see me? It's been an entire month. He acted like seeing me was nothing special."

"What? You think he's cheating on you or something?"

"No," Lex replied, defensively.

Drue knew what her best friend was really trying to say, but she didn't want to say it out loud. Lex was bored with Ethan but she didn't want to look shallow in her best friend's eyes. It was too late for that. Drue had seen this before and it would only be a matter of time before she broke up with him.

Lex was the type of person that thrives on excitement and Ethan, as nice as he was, wasn't the thrill-seeking partner Lex wanted him to be. He was shy, reserved and sweet. The type of guy that remembered every little detail about Lex and showered her with compliments just because. He could easily recount the moment he met Lex, where they were when they met, the time of day and what she was wearing. The prototype boyfriend in any rom-com movie. The boyfriend that was left at the altar for the "bad boy". And it wasn't until the end of the movie when the main girl realized that she had everything she ever wanted in a boyfriend right in front of her the entire time.

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