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It's been already a month since Y/n is in coma. She hasn't woken up yet. Mikey and the rest visits her everyday. During the first week news spread about Kisaki's murder. The police are still investigating. Izana was pissed about that since he was to kill Kisaki but who cares.

"Mikey wake up! You have to go for your training." Emma shouted from downstairs while making breakfast.
"I'm already awake Emma." Mikey exclaimed walking down already dress up. He sits down on his chair beside Izana as he starts eating.

"How's your training going?" Shinichiro look up from his plate to look at Mikey. "It's fine. I guess?" Mikey replied still eating.

Mikey has been training under Haruki to take over the company. There was nothing to train he would just observe Haruki. The both has not talked much since the incident. Haruki doesn't regret what he said that night but he was not serious about the divorce. Mikey knows that and he can tell that Haruki wants him to stay out of gang. He was planning to disband the gang after Y/n wakes up since it would be the best time.

"Mikey are stopping by at Y/n?" Emma asked Mikey as she was doing dishes. Mikey just hummed arranging the files. "Then I'll come with you. Today's the first day of my high school life." Emma smiled happy and sad.

"Izana you coming?" Shinichiro asked arranging his pant.
"Sorry I can't come now I'll visit her at evening. Some serious problem have come up." Izana sighed frustrated. Shinichiro made an 'O' with his mouth nodding his head. "I'll get going Kakucho is waiting for me." Izana said as he walk out the door hearing a 'stay safe' from Emma and Shinichiro.

After Izana went for work Emma, Mikey and Shinichiro also went to the hospital. Arriving at the hospital the three went straight to your room to see you asleep like the last one month. The three look worriedly at your figure. You have lose too much weight, skin pale and so many wires attached to your body. Emma changes the flower on the vase as Shinichiro and Mikey talk to you.

"How are you Y/n?" Shinichiro asked knowing that he will not get an answer he just stroke your hair smiling softly. Mikey just sat there holding your hand and he breath deeply. He don't want to come here everyday to see your worsening state.

Emma stood on the opposite side of Mikey and Shinichiro as he hold your other hand. "Hey Y/n you know today's my first day of high school. I hope I can make friends like you there. So wish me luck, okay?" Emma whispered her eyes glistening.
"I'll come back after school so wait for me. Shin let's go." Emma exclaimed trying to sound excited but failing in it. Shinichiro sighed sadly glancing at Mikey who hasn't said a word.
"Bye Y/n. Mikey we'll get going." Mikey just hummed as his siblings went out the door.

Mikey layed his head on the baby bump hearing the movement of the baby. "Baby your mom is not waking up. Do you think she's angry at me?" Mikey whispered as he lifted his head to stare at your face. "Y/n....I'm learning so much at the company. Dad said by next year I can work there as the new CEO. I'm so smart that dad was also surprised. You don't have to worry about my relation with dad, he is still a little upset with me but I can convince him. You just have to open your eyes Y/n. Also Baji said that he won't be able to visit for few days. He said he's really sorry, the animal shop he and Chifuyu is working at has some problems. Izana and Granpa are also doing fine. The rest of the guys are as well. And.....and....I miss you Y/n so much." A tear rolls down his eyes his shoulders shaking. He took a deep breath to calm down as he wipe his tears.

After sitting there with Y/n for almost 2 hours he got up not wanting to get late. He squeeze your hand a little, kissing your forehead and cheek he walks out the door.

Izana reached the meeting room to see the ex-heavenly kings there. He raised his left eyebrow sitting down on the couch. "What do you all want?" Izana asked his eyes narrowed at them. He have already disbanded Tenjiku and is working on his dream to make orphanages with Kakucho.

"Don't be so cold Izana~" Ran said making a hurt face as Rindou scoff at his brother's acting.

"Come straight to the point. I don't all day for you all." Izana scrowled and Ran raised his hands in surrendering pose.

"We got some information regarding Kisaki's murder." Mocchi exclaimed Madarame nodding his head beside him. Izana motion his to continue now all his attention on the topic.

"My informant told me that an ex-member of Toman and Tenjiku murderer him. You should know him he's Mikey's loyal dog. Sanzu Haruchiyo."

Always & Forever (Mikey x reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum