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Christmas is approaching soon so Y/n is with Emma, Shinichiro and Mikey. Shopping at the mall for Christmas Eve decorations and ingredients for foods and cake. Emma and Y/n volunteered themself for making the cake and the decorations will be handled by the boys which you were still not sure about.

Walking around the mall with Shinichiro while Emma and Mikey went the other way. You and Shinichiro's job was to buy decorations. Shinichiro was placing everything he saw on the cart and Y/n has to place them back to their original places.
"Y/n-chan look at me." Y/n turned back to see Shinichiro with a fake beard and a Santa hat on his head. You chuckled and fixed his beard properly. The whole shopping spree was spent fooling around and buying a lot of things.

You two met up with Emma and Mikey on the ground floor of the mall and went straight home. At night you all started decorating the house. Mikey and Shinichiro placed the Christmas tree on the corner side of the living room. Emma decorating the living room, Granpa Sano and Shinichiro helping her occasionally.  Y/n helps in the decor of the Christmas tree with Mikey. You all fooled around the house spending the night laughing and chatting.

December 25th

A fake Christmas tree at the corner with gifts around it. The whole living room decorated and people at the couch talking. Y/n walked down as she saw Mikey, Emma, Shinichiro, Draken, Baji, Wakasa, Benkei and Takeomi. She sat down beside Baji leaning her head on his shoulder.

"Where's Grandpa?" Y/n asked not seeing him around.
"Gramps went out with your dad. He said they'll come back at night." Shinichiro replied as Mikey handed you your juice.
"So what are your plans for tonight?" Y/n asked as she took a bite from the cookie in her hand.
"I'm gonna spend the night with Maa." Baji said drinking the soft drink that was in his hand.
"We three are going to the club to party." Takeomi said pointing towards Wakasa and Benkei.
"Me and Emma are going to visit the shrine we visit every Christmas. And what about you two and Draken?"

"We're going for a ride. Y/n yesterday requested me she wanted to go for a ride and that it'll be boring staying at home." Mikey tease you as you pouted and hug Baji hiding your face in his firm chest.
"Manjirou don't tease me. Who said I requested you for a ride? I just said I want to go out with you." Y/n whine her face still in Baji's chest as the rest chuckled.

By night time everyone was out of the house on their way to their planned places. Mikey and Draken was waiting for you as you got ready.

(A/n: the outfit and without the mask. Picture's not mine)

The long coat was hiding you 4 month baby bump properly

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

The long coat was hiding you 4 month baby bump properly. Looking at yourself for the last time in the mirror you went down.

Mikey sees you walking towards him and Draken as the two boys stood up walking towards you. When Mikey reached infront of you he took the muffler from your hand wrapping it around your neck nicely.
"It's not that tight right?" Mikey asked as he kiss you. You nodded your head and took Mikey's hand in yours and intervened them.

Draken was waiting for the married couple outside warming up. Mikey and Y/n came out as he started the engine of his bike Mikey doing the same. She sat behind Mikey hugging him tightly as they rode off.

The three were going to a park to spend the time there. But on the way there Mikey started slowing down the bike.
"What happened Mikey?" "Is something wrong?" Draken and Y/n asked. Draken also matching the speed with Mikey.
"So. I think I just heard Mitsuya's Impulse just now?" Mikey said he himself unsure.

"Huh? No one besides you and your wife are stupid enough to ride a bike in this freezing ass weather. Mikey. You're hearing things!!" Draken sounded quite irritated and annoyed.
"But you're riding with us so guess that makes you stupid too, right? Ken-kun." Y/n said lifting her head from Mikey's back as her husband laugh. Draken sighed offended but can't argue cause you were right from some point.
"Let's just go to that park already." Draken speed up his bike and Mikey following behind him.

When you all reached the park Draken's phone rang as he received it.
"What? Takemitchy? Mikey. Emma wants to know where Takemitchy is." Draken asked removing his cellphone away from his ear.
"Beats me." Mikey replied as he hugged you from behind caressing your baby bumb.

"We dunno where he is. Huh? Look for him? What a pain... It's Christmas, ya know?" Draken on the call.

Mikey release the hug as he motioned you to seat back on the bike.
"Ken-chin! Let's go back. That Impulse I heard earlier had to be Mitsuya's. Takemitchy's probably with him!!" Draken sighed from the extra work as he sat back on his bike.

Mikey rode the bike towards the way to the Church. You can see the cross from far away. When you three arrived, there were many guys outside with white long coats 'DB' written on their backs with a dragon design. The two stopped their bikes and Y/n got off.
"Wait here with Ken-chin. I'll go and get the work done, okay?" Mikey peck your lips before he started walking up the stairs and letting himself in the church.

Draken started beating up the men that were running towards you two. He didn't let anyone go near you as he soon finished beating them up. Draken came to you as he held your hand and helped you walk up the stairs. Reaching the top Draken sat down on the stairs just outside the church door and you just kept standing. You can hear shouting and thuds inside.

The door suddenly opened startling you as Kokonoi came out.
"Koko-kun?" Kokonoi seemed shocked to see the hundred men knocked out and surprised to see you. It was unexpected. One big guy with blue and white hair plus shirtless came running outside as he collapsed on the ground. Inui was behind him the two had shocked expressions.

"Inui?" You were confused to see him. The big guy and your two friends had bruises on their faces. Inui turn his head to you and his eyes widened. Draken looked behind him after hearing you muttering names.
"Hm? Oh? Are things all done in there? Could you let Mikey know? I'm all done out here." Draken stood up as he walked inside to the others.

Y/n walked towards Inui and placed her hands on his bruise. Inui's face turned red from the contact.
"What happened, Inui? Why are you and Koko-kun all beat up?" Y/n removed her hand from his face as a frown settled in her face.
"Don't worry. It's not a big deal." Inui turned his face to the other side embarrassed.
"So....are you celebrating Christmas by beating each other?" Y/n asked pointing to his bruises.
"Nobody celebrates like that Y/n, just something happened between gangs ya know? What are you doing here?" Inui replied as look you straight in the eyes. "I came here with Manjirou, you know, uh...we were riding around."
Y/n said as she scratch her head. Inui sighed at her and just patted her head.
"It's cold you know. Who in their right mind go for a ride in this weather? Not to mention that you're pregnant." You chuckled at his attitude, Inui wanted to scold you but hearing you chuckled stopped him.

Suddenly someone grabbed your wrist pulling you away from Inui.
"Hands off my wife. Are you trying to do something?" Mikey's cold voice and his death glare was directed at Inui as you turn to him. The others Draken, Chifuyu, Takemichi, Mitsuya and Hakkai were behind him with a girl. They all had bruises and blood on their faces. Takemichi seems to be the worst one and Mitsuya was carrying him on his back. They all had surprised and confused expressions.

"Huh? Why would I try to do something?" Inui glared back as Y/n went between the two boys.
"Manjirou calm down. Seishu you too." Y/n sighed and Inui's eyes widened you don't usually use his first name. He was happy but also nervous.

"You know him?" Mikey asked his glare still on Inui.
"Yeah. He's my childhood friend. You know him too?" Inui scoff beside her as Mikey and the others eyes widened except for Chifuyu and Takemichi.
"Yeah, unfortunately." Mikey said as he pulled you towards him and started walking down the stairs.
"Manjirou? Inui bye... let's hangout some time." Y/n smiles brightly at him as she waved her hands. Inui waved back nodding his head.

The others followed behind Mikey. Mitsuya and Chifuyu went their way and Mikey said Draken to take you to Emma and that he'll bring Takemichi. You were confused but chose not to question and went away with Draken. You reached the place and Emma was there with Hina, Shinichiro nowhere to be seen as you walked towards them.

Always & Forever (Mikey x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें