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After the man hit Draken he was kind of unstable as he was unable to stand straight and blood was starting to come out of the injury. But the problem was not over as many guys wearing white uniform came out of nowhere and were surrounding you three. The unknown guys started attacking Draken resulting in a fight or more like one-sided fight as even with the injury Draken was beating them up. You were getting worried for him as he was literally fighting with a injury on his head and blood all over his face.

After knocking out some of the guys Draken was huffing and I think the wound was starting to effect him as he was breathing heavily while holding the head of a guy. From the corner Takemichi and Mitsuya came running and stopped infront of us.

Mitsuya turn towards Peh-yan as he said "Peh-yan! Hey asshole, what are you doing with Moebius." Peh seem to be more annoyed when Mitsuya said that as he said angrily "Shut the fuck up Mitsuya I'll kill you too." Mummers about Mitsuya was going on.
"Peh-yan you coward you attacked him from behind with a bat and brought a army with you how can you call yourself a man." Emma shouted at Peh as I looked at her worried. I was stress since  Mikey said that he'll be meeting Peh-yan but Peh was infront of me pairing up with the opposite team.

Draken and Mitsuya were murmuring something to each other and Takemichi was looking around as if searching for something or someone.
Suddenly we all heard a sound of bike roaring loudly as I thought ' I heard that sound somewhere.' Draken confirm my thoughts as he said "It's Mikey's CB25OT."


Mikey push the break as he came to a halt his obsidian eyes searching for you in the crowd. He finally saw you in the back with Emma relief washing over him when he saw that you were unhurt. Putting back his serious face he faced the group of guys in front of him as he marched towards Peh-yan.

"I get it now. I got called somewhere else so Ken-chin could get attacked." Mikey as he continued walking.
'So this was all planned by someone?' you thought as you look at Peh-yan.
"So it'd be my fault if Toman split in two...right?" Mikey continued talking as Peh-yan shouted " I'm doing this for Pah-chin."
"This isn't your style. Who tempted you into this " Mikey ask his serious face and dull eyes never leaving Peh-yan's figure. Y/n standing on the sides with Emma wondering what's gonna happen now.

Suddenly a voice was heard and came a tall man wearing a simple t-shirt and pants with ciggerate in his hand. A big guy was behind him holding the umbrella and you noticed that the tall man had Kanji tattoos on both of the backside of his hands. 'Sin' and 'Punishment'.

"Wow. What a surprise. Mikey isn't just all brawn. How dull." Hanna said as he walk towards Mikey and you frown your eyebrows looking him up and down. 'what's with him?' you thought getting negative feelings when you locked eyes with him. Hanna just raised his eyebrow when he saw you thinking that you were just a bystander and no one important. Oh how wrong he was.

"...and you are?" Mikey asked with his firm voice.
"Doesn't matter who I am. But I'm in charge of Moebius. For the moment, atleast. Name's Hanma." Hanma said walking closer to Mikey.
"So you're the nasty creeplord behind all this?"-Mikey
"You're such a pain in the ass, Mikey-cha-" Hanma got cut off when Mikey gave his nuclear kick but Hanma blocked it shocking everyone including Mikey himself as his eyes widened. You stared wide-eyed for sure you know that Mikey was very strong so someone blocking his kick shocked you to the core and worry filling you for your husband.

"He blocked Mikey's kick?!" Mitsuya said bewildered. Mummers could be heard around as they saw that.
"Don't act so nasty, Mikey. OUCH." Hanma said rubbing the part which he used to block Mikey's kick.
"My mission is to distroy Toman. Best way to do that is to make you fight amongst yourselves. But, I think this works out. With this hands, I'm gonna take on the 'Invincible Mikey'...and tear you apart." Hanma said chuckling in the end as you thought raising your eyebrow  'what did he meant by destroying Toman?'
"Moebius's entire gang, 100 people! Versus four guys from Toman!" Hanma said again a big grin on his face and you look around, the difference in numbers was suffocating.

Hanma started shouting threats to his gang members saying he will beat them to death if they tried to run away. While you look ahead about to call Mikey but Hanma interrupted you.
"Take on Mikey and Draken and kill them both ♡"
As he finished saying that loud bike noises were heard coming towards your direction as you look in confusion.

"Phew! Just in time." Mitsuya said sighing in relief.
"Huh!" Both you and Takemichi said, you saw rest of the Toman members coming in their bikes.
"Infighting's not really my thing." Mucho said walking towards the brawl.
"But if we're going up against Moebius, than I can go all out!!" Smiley said with his usual big smile on his face.
"Which means tonight's the big showdown." Baji said a hairtie in his mouth as he looked around his eyes widening upon seeing you surrounded with enemies.
'WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE?' Baji thought internally panicking.

"You guys..."- Mikey
"We brought all of Toman with us, Motherfuckers." Baji said after tying his hair.
"Who wants to die first?!"-Smiley
"Peh!! You're goin' down first!!"-Mucho
"SHIT" Peh curse as he look afraid in front of him.
"Now things are getting interesting." Hanma said coming behind Peh and pushing his head forward.

Draken stood up as he walked towards Mikey and said while smiling "A big brawl on the day of the festival really gets my blood pumpin'. Right, Mikey?"
"Why is he going for the fight when he lost too much blood from his injury." Y/n whispered to herself as she already wanted to go there to help him.

"Ha..ha" Mikey laugh as you look at him wondering why he is laughing at this serious situation but just smiling with him.
"Let's do this!!" Mikey shouted as he ran towards Moebius, Toman behind him.
"Kill 'em all." You heard Hanma shout as the fight started.

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