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The big showdown on August 3rd was tiring and when you, Mikey and Emma reached home Shinichiro was in the living room waiting for you three and when his eyes landed on the three. He asked many questions with a worried face and furrowed eyebrows. Also checking you up and down when he saw how your beautiful yukata was torn and blood all over it, you calmed him down assuring him that it was no big deal resulting in him shouting to not worry him like that.

Today's August 10th one week since the big showdown on August 3rd. You have been visiting Draken everyday to check up on him and now here you were again at the hospital with Mikey to visit Draken.

"Good morning Ken-kun/Ken-chin." You and Mikey greeted him as you settle down on the stool beside his bed and Mikey just standing.

"Good morning to you too Y/n-chan." Draken greeting back smiling sweetly at you.
"Where's my good morning Ken-chin?!" Mikey gasped being dramatic, you just chuckled at his overdramatic behaviour.
"Hm? Good morning Mikey." Draken said plainly. Hearing Draken wished him back Mikey smiled satisfied as he settled down on the bed.

"I brought curry for you, Ken-kun. It must be boring eating hospital's food every single day." You said as you took out the curry from your bag.
"You don't have to trouble yourself for me Y/n-chan. The food isn't that bad anyways. But thanks, it's good to eat homemade food once in a while." Draken said with a smile on his face.

"Don't sweat it." You hand him the food.
"Where's my portion?" Mikey ask pouting as you glare at him.
"Huh? You just ate half of the pot this morning not counting the numbers of dorayaki you ate on the way here." You scold him firmly as he started whining to Draken. "Ken-chin...."
"Mikey don't cause problems for         Y/n-chan." Draken tease Mikey as he started eating the curry you made for him.

"Why are you two siding with each other?" Mikey gasped as he accusingly points his pointing finger at you two as if you two has committed a crime. You roll your eyes at him as you started laughing with Draken, Mikey soon following.

After calming down from the laugh Mikey gave a handbag to Draken.
"Give this to Takemitchy when he comes here."
"What's in this?" Draken ask as he peep inside the bag. After seeing what's inside the bag he just placed it aside his bed.

"I'll be at the roof, call me when its time to go home, Y/n." Mikey said as he started walking towards the door giving a smile before walking through it.

"So how is your injury? When will you get discharge?" You ask Draken as you started placing the box back on the bag.
"The injury's healing pretty fast. The doctor said I'll have to stay 3-4 more days before discharging." Draken replies. You two exchanged few words before the door opened revealing Takemichi wearing quite interesting clothes.

"Draken-kun!! How ya holding up?!" Takemichi ask a smug smile on his face. Not being able to control your laugh anymore you ask him while laughing loudly."What's with your lame fashion style, Take-chan?"
Your words hit Takemichi like an arrow as his sunglass tilted.

"Quit acting like a jackass."-Draken
"Huh!! H-How am I acting like one?" Takemichi asks as he shifted awkwardly, you chuckling on the background.
"You've got it written all over you. When someone gives you an inch, don't take a mile, you moron. It's lame as hell. And take these shitty clothes off!" Draken exclaimed. You look at Takemichi to see that he has a gloomy aura around him.

"You wouldn't understand, Draken-Kun. What it's like to live in the shadows..." Takemichi mutters his head down.
"Huh? Don't be creepy."-Draken
"This is the first time anyone's ever looked up to me!! Let me live a little, okay?!!" Takemichi screamed his face close to Draken. You enjoying the drama playing in front of you.
"I can't believe you'd admit this depressing in max volume." Draken sweatdrops.
"Tsk! You're no fun. You said I saved your life. But you start getting better and it's back to this." Takemichi murmurs sulking as he faced the other side.

"Ah! Oh, yeah. Here. It's from Mikey. He said to give it to you." Draken said lifting the bag up from the bedside. Takemichi took the bag from Draken's hand with confusion written on his face as he examined the Toman uniform after taking it out.

"A gang uniform?" Takemichi ask shock.
"That's the uniform Mikey wore when he first started Toman. In Toman, that uniform's as important as life itself." Draken explained as he look at Takemichi with a serious face.
"Why does he want me to have this?" Takemichi ask again in disbelief.
"He said that whether you wear it or not is up to you. But he wants you to have it. Takemitchy. You're Toman's saviour. Everyone knows that including me. Let me show my gratitude once more. Thank you. Take good care of that." Halfway through the talk Draken got up from the bed and bowed at Takemichi.

"This is Mikey-kun's...he gave this to me... that's heavy. Wonder if I'll ever be the kinda guy who can pull this off?" Takemichi mutter as he again look at the uniform.

"Go see him. He's probably napping on the roof." Draken said smiling. As Takemichi went to the roof you two sat in silence. After few minutes you stood up "I'll go to Mikey wait for a minute, 'ky?" You said as you started walking out of the room, you can hear Draken saying an 'okay' as you continued walking.

When you reached the door that leads to the roof you didn't hear anything so you assume that Takemichi has gone home as you open the door.
"Mikey?" You call out as you saw him just standing there with hands in his pockets gazing at the city.

"Oh! Hey Love." Mikey call you as you blush at the nickname. You hug him, inhaling his unique scent.

"What happened?" Mikey ask as he hug you back, stroking your head lovingly.
"We haven't been spending time together alone. It makes me feel lonely." You whispered as you looked up at him.
"Yeah now that you talk about it. How about we go for a date next week?" He ask you as you nodded your head repeatedly smiling brightly at him. He leaned down placing his lips on your soft ones as you two shared a kiss. Breaking the kiss after few minutes you two went back to Draken's room hanging out till evening and eventually going back home.

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