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Lately your food cravings have gone insane and your mood swings was terrible. One second you are smiling and next you are crying your eyes out. Your family were considerate considering that you were almost three months pregnant and that it was to be expected. You were also very stubborn about your foods. And now it was happening again since you wanted to eat ice-cream.

"Y/n it's almost midnight who will sell ice-cream at this moment?" Shinichiro tried convincing you bringing snacks from kitchen. Mikey was at the couch tired from trying to reason with you.
"No. I want ice-cream, ice-cream and only ice-cream." Y/n nearly screamed whining as tears started falling from her eyes.

"Mikey, take her to a nearby ice-cream parlour. Now." Emma ordered her brother as she tried to calm you down but your hormones decided to rebel as you suddenly felt sad. Mikey stood up and guide you towards the front door.

"Emma, Shin-kun. You both won't come with me and Mikey?" Y/n said tears still in her eyes.
"Ofcourse we will come. We were right behind you two. Don't worry." Shinichiro hurriedly said not wanting you to cry more. You all walked to the ice-cream parlour courtesy of you wanting to walk.

"The fresh air calms me down so much." Y/n exclaimed spreading her arms. The three persons with her nodding their heads. Silence took over you all and you didn't mind it, it was peaceful after all. In the distance you saw an ice-cream shop and ran towards it.
"Y/n don't run off. The shop will not disappear." Mikey sigh as he rubbed his forehead sleepy and tired. The three ran after you to catch up not wanting you to fall down and them not being able to protect you.

You and Emma sat at the bench that was near the shop. Mikey and Shinichiro buying the ice-creams. Few seconds later the two boys came running the ice-cream in their hands. As soon as you took a bite from your ice-cream you felt relaxed from the sudden craving you were having in the middle of the night. Seeing your contented and relaxed face the rest felt relieved enjoying their own ice-creams.

After finishing your ice-cream Y/n tells Mikey to buy more to take back home, not wanting to go out of house in the cold weather again. Y/n stood up slowly her hands on her baby bumb that was growing gradually.
"You don't feel tired, do you?" Mikey ask taking your hand to guide you. Shinichiro and Emma were in front starting to walk talking loudly and you were sure that they are trying to wake up the people.
"Not really. It's nice to walk in open air once in a while." Y/n and Mikey started walking right behind the two siblings.

"You must be the one to be tired. You have to put up with my late night cravings, my crazy mood swings and taking care of me every day." Y/n sigh looking up at the night sky that was filled with stars.
"Don't be stupid Y/n. I'll never get tired when it comes to taking care of you. After all I'm very good at it." Mikey wrapped his arm on your shoulders to give you some warmth.
"You didn't have to call me stupid, dummy." Y/n pouted as Mikey chuckles and peck her pouting lips.
"You are soooo cute when you're mad, honey." Teasing he bob your nose you narrowed you eyes at him as you look forward.

"Shin-kun Manjirou is being mean to me. Beat him up." Realising Mikey's hold off her Y/n went to Shinichiro giving him her puppy eyes.
"Now, now don't be mean to my sweet little sister." Shinichiro patted your head and glared at Mikey as you took his and Emma's hands in yours and walked with them leaving Mikey behind.
"Mean boys must be left alone." Emma and Shinichiro chuckled at your childish behaviour as Mikey was at the back a betrayed look on his face. The walk back home was full of laughters and talks, you felt alive.


"Baby can I come too? You see I'll protect you so it'll be a good choice to take me with you. Right?" Mikey has been trying to convince you to take him along with you since morning.

Always & Forever (Mikey x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora