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Mikey was not stopping his punches and as much as you want Kazutora to get beaten up till death you don't want your husband to be a murderer. But you don't want to leave Baji, your heart has not calm down yet.
"Where's the damn ambulance? Baji-san...." Chifuyu whispered beside you. Even if you have given him the first aid he has lost too much blood.

Baji opened his eyes as he tried standing up. "Kei, lay back down." Y/n said her eyebrows furrowed.
"Thanks sweetheart. But I have some unfinished work." Baji stood up walking down the cars to where Mikey and Kazutora were. As Baji was walking down you saw a glimpse of something in his hands so you walked behind him not understanding what he was planning.

"Mikey....Mikeyyy!! You got mad just for me? Thanks, man." Baji said as he smiled.
"You gotta stay down, Baji-san." Chifuyu shouted worried for him.
"I'm not gonna die. This wound ain't gonna kill me!! So don't worry about it. Kazutora. You are not goona kill me." Baji said as he raise the knife to stab himself.

You reached Baji and grab on the knife to stop him. Blood drip from your hands as you yell at him.
"What are you trying to do Kei. Is this what you meant when you said everything will be back to normal after today? You promised me that you won't leave me, you promised that but what you were trying to do now. I don't want to lose you Kei, I don't want to lose you..... everything is moving and happening too fast here. I can't wrap my head around it and I feel like a stupid person not knowing what's going on... " Your voice started fading as you sobbed kneeling down releasing your grib on the knife.

Baji embraced you as he whispered gently. "I know what I was trying to do was reckless but in this rate Mikey will kill Kazutora." Mikey's eyes widened when he saw your hand bleeding as he was about to walk to you but stop in his tracks when Kazutora taunted him. "After Baji you are next Mikey." (A/n: After that Takemichi stops Mikey just like in the manga or anime.)

Seeing Baji fine your heart calmed down for the first time today and you close your eyes tired from the emotions welcoming the darkness and sleepiness that was coming to you.

Baji was about to release the hug but stop when your body went slumped. He check you to see your eyes closed.
"Hey sweetheart open your eyes. Y/n? Hey Y/n." Baji slap your cheeks to wake you up. Hearing Baji's panicked voice everyone turned their heads towards you two. For a moment it was silent and the next moment your friends came running towards you. Mikey took you in his arms as he checked your pulse. Sighing in relief that you were fine.

"I think she fainted from the commotion going on and her emotions going hayway." Mitsuya said as he tells everyone to make space for Y/n. Sanzu came running as he says "The car is ready. Let's take her to the hospital we can't wait for the ambulance anymore."
Mikey stands up carrying you bridal style as he run towards the car. Placing you in the backseat Baji went in the car as he layed your head on his lap.

"Mitsuya and Sanzu go with Baji. With the state I am in now it won't be good." Mikey ordered as the mentioned people nodded their heads and went to the hospital.


You open your eyes hissing from the sudden brightness as you sat up.
"Thank God you're awake." Y/n turn to her left to see Mikey sitting in the stool that was beside her bed. Now that you look around the room was very plain looking with white walls and the smell of medicine was in the air you realised that you were in hospital. First you were confused but remembered that you passed out after stopping Baji from killing himself.

"Where is Kei? Is he fine?" Y/n shoot the questions that was on her mind not giving a chance for Mikey to speak up.
"Relax Y/n. Baji is in the room next to you. He is fine." You calm down the instant you heard that Baji was fine.
"How long was I passed out? And why did I fainted? Is the baby fine?" Y/n place her hand on her small baby bumb that was forming slowly.
"You were passed out for a day. The doctor said that due to anxiety you fainted and the baby is perfectly fine." Mikey reassured you.

"I'm sorry Manjirou. I know you're mad at me for not listening to you but I had a bad feeling so I went out of home." Y/n lowered her head afraid that Mikey will scold her. Mikey sigh at the sight of his sad wife, he can't be mad at her when she was so cute being afraid of him.
"I'll let it slide for this one time since if you weren't there then Baji would be death. Thanks Y/n." Mikey caressed your face as he lean forward kissing your lips.

"Get change, we'll go home now. Shin, Granpa and the rest were worried sick when they heard that you fainted. I'll go get the discharge paper ready." Mikey stood up but stop when he felt something grabbing the hem of his jacket.
"Can I visit Kei while you are readying the papers?" Y/n faintly whispered looking up at Mikey.
"You don't have to ask me for what you want to do Y/n you just have to inform me okay?" Mikey muttered as he walk away.

Y/n got change into her casual clothes and went to the next room of her. Opening the door she saw Baji and Chifuyu talking or in other words screaming at each other. Y/n cleared her throat to gain their attention. Baji and Chifuyu turned their heads to see you standing there.
"Sweetheart/ Y/n-san" The both literally screamed your name as you chuckled and went to seat on the bed Baji was laying.
"Nice to see you too, Kei and Chifuyu. So how ya doin'?" Y/n ask as she grab Baji's hands rubbing the back of it.
"I'm just fine the doctors are keeping me here without any reasons." Baji said annoyed that he was not home.
"Baji-san the doctor said that you have to rest here, in the hospital." Chifuyu exasperated sighing, poor Chifuyu have to put up with Baji's vigorous behaviour.

"You got discharged yet?"-Baji
"Yup. Mikey is taking care of it now."-Y/n
"Thanks Y/n for stopping me guess you were right when you said it's wise to ask for help and I can't miss out the day when my baby sister will give birth to her baby." Baji smiled his sharp fangs can be seen.
"It's my role as your sister and best friend to stop you from doing anything reckless. But if you pull anything like yesterday again I'll beat you up." Y/n scolded Baji as tears wield up in her eyes. Suddenly the door open as Mikey's voice came.
"Baji are you making my wife cry?"

"Oh shup up will ya. I would no way in hell make my sweetheart cry." Baji said offended as he wipe your tears.
"I have finished up Y/n. You wanna stay here with Baji or go home later?" Mikey ask as he walked forward.
"Go home Y/n and rest up. You can visit me tomorrow again. You and the baby must be hungry." Baji replied instead of you as he convinced you to go home. You listened to him saying that you will visit him tomorrow morning. Mikey guided you to his bike as you two rode back home.

Arriving home the atmosphere was tense but disappeared when they saw you. After that it was chaos everyone expressed their relieves and worries as Shin, Emma and your dad hug you. Releasing the hugs they told you to go and rest up you didn't objected them too tired to even speak and went to sleep.

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