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It was noon and Y/n was hanging out with Shinichiro and his friends at home. Mikey was with the guys and Emma was at Hina's house. As you were talking you suddenly wanted to throw up so you stood up hurriedly confusing the boys and threw up on the kitchen sink. Shinichiro was behind you holding your hair up and rubbing your back.

For the past few weeks you have been having morning sickness, at first you thought it was your stomach acting up but it was happening every morning so you thought you were sick and stayed home, not going out with Emma.

The boys look at you worriedly as you calm down. Wakasa gave you a glass of water and you took it. You were about to drink it when you felt your head throb and you felt dizzy. Suddenly your surroundings turn black and the last thing you heard was Shinichiro calling your name.


They were at a cafe hanging out laughing and talking when Mikey's cellphone rang. Mikey took out his phone raising his brow as Shinichiro's name flash on the screen. Shinichiro don't really call him often so he was confuse.

"Will you not pick the call? Who is it?" Draken ask, knowing Mikey, he answers his call right away.
"Shin's calling. He don't usually calls me." Mikey replied as he pick the call.

"Hello?... WHAT?.... I'll be there right away." Mikey said as he started picking his things from the table. Seeing Mikey so shaken up the boys were worried and confused.
"What did he say?" Draken ask to lighten the tense air.
"Shin said Y/n suddenly fainted and is in the hospital. I also don't know the details of how. I'm going to the hospital." Mikey replied as he run off the cafe. The boys were worried for you but settle to visit you when the situation calms down.

Mikey reached the hospital, he park his bike and hurriedly walk towards the front desk of the hospital. His heart was beating loudly and hands trembling.

"How may I help you sir?" The front desk lady ask.
"A girl was admitted here with the name Sano Y/n. Can you tell me her room number?" Mikey answered trying to calm himself down.
"Room 136" Mikey was mumbling to himself as he search for your room number. When he found the room he took a deep breath and open the door with his trembling hands.

He was relieved when he saw Y/n smiling brightly talking with her dad. Feeling the presence of someone new they turned their head to see Mikey standing there in sweats.

"Manjirou" Y/n call out his name her voice was weak but she was smiling. Mikey walk towards her as he held her hands.
"What happened? Are you okay?" Mikey ask his voice soft as he caress her face. Y/n look at her family, they were all smiling sweetly at her.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I have some news for you." Y/n hold up Mikey's hand and place it in her stomach. "Tell me."

Mikey was waiting for the news, curious and afraid but judging from how everyone was smiling he hope the news to be a happy one.

"I am pregnant." Y/n announced as she waited for a reaction from Mikey. Mikey froze as he tried to sink the news on his brain. He look around to see everyone smiling brightly so he guess he didn't heard wrong as he caress his hands on your stomach.

Mikey was so happy that tears were streaming down his face as he hug you tightly saying how happy and thankful he was because of you.
"Now that I think of it the morning sickness, my weird food cravings were all signs showing that I was pregnant...." Mikey and every one listened to your ranting with a smile on their faces seeing your excited face.

When you heard the news, you were afraid since you didn't wanted to get pregnant in an early age but most of it was if Mikey will be happy hearing the news. But you hoped for the best ans the reaction you received calmed your heart. Emma and Shinichiro were chanting how they will be the 'Best aunt/uncle'. Granpa Sano and your father were happy to become grandads.

Evening came and now you were at home. Shinichiro and Emma couldn't contain their happiness and told their friends. Mikey called his friends and they didn't waste any time and came to visit you.

"Did the doctor tell you for how many months you are pregnant?" Mitsuya ask from where he sat.
"The doctor said I am 1 month pregnant." Y/n replied as she was looking around.
"Are you waiting for Baji?" Draken ask seeing that you were looking at the front door with a desperate look.

"Hmm. He was not picking my call, I wanted him to know the news before everyone." Y/n mutters as she was fidgeting with her hands.
"Don't worry Y/n. I am sure he'll come when he will realise that you called him." Emma reassured you as she rub your hands.
"Emma's right Y/n-san. No one knows what that guy thinks. Also it's harmful for the baby if the mom is anxious. You have to be careful. If you need help with anything just call for me, 'ky?" Sanzu exclaims as he gave you your juice.

"Anyway, I can't believe you are going to be a mom and Mikey a dad. And to add the fact that Mikey is more of a child if the baby is born than Y/n have to take care of two babies." Nahoya tease as he was laughing everyone joining him as Mikey gasped "I am more mature than you Smiley don't give me that crap. And I can take care of myself."
"Yeah. Totally." Draken sarcasm as you all laugh.

Night came but Baji didn't. You were sad extremely sad but kept hope that he'll visit soon enough. Mikey was being careful with you as the early stage of pregnancy was very crucial and you have be extra careful of your surroundings. Shinichiro was no less he was like your bodyguard not letting you do anything and telling you to rest.

Emma and Hina were squealing the whole time placing their hands on your stomach saying how they were going to help you through out the pregnancy period. The boys were not less as much as clueless they were about pregnancy they still gave their own advices, you were grateful for that. It was like you have got tons of bodyguards around you. You were very happy but Baji not coming made you feel lonely.

You were on the bed eating fruits as Mikey came out of the shower, wet hair, a towel around his neck and water droplets were dripping down on him. After drying his hair Mikey climb the bed as he took the fruits plate from your hand and started feeding you.

"After eating the fruits go to sleep. I heard it's good to sleep early during pregnancy." Mikey said as he put the plate aside tugging you inside the covers as he peck your lips. You close your eyes too tired to protest. As you were about to sleep you heard Mikey saying 'I love you' and peck on your forehead. Not wanting for him only to say the three beautiful words you mumble before drifting off to sleep.
"I love you more...."

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