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Izana was on his way to meet Kisaki, he was pissed that Emma didn't died.
"How could he fucked up. That Hanagaki Takemichi, that piece of shit how dare he get in my way. There's only few hours left till 9." He stopped walking when he saw the man he appointed to spy on you.

"What do you want? It better be important or I will not hesitate to kill you right here." Izana scrowled as the man shivered from the threatening words. "Boss the girl you ordered me to keep watch on got into an accident." Izana's eyes widened as his hands started shaking.

"I also got some extra information on the accident." "Tell me." Izana plainly said as he takes deep breaths to calm himself down. "The driver told the police that he was given cash by some guy from our gang. I got the information that Kisaki and Hanma met up with that driver and planned the whole accident. His substitute is also caught by the police." The man finished and he suddenly felt cold. He didn't dared to look at Izana's face.

"Call the gang on the place Tenjiku and Toman's gonna fight. Don't tell the reason just tell them it's the boss orders. I'll call Kisaki." Izana dismissed the man and he tried his best to not go and kill Kisaki right away. He took out his phone and dialed Kisaki's number. It didn't take long for him pick up.

"Kisaki. There's an early meeting on Yokohama's 7th pier where our showdown is gonna happen. Go there fast I am on my way." Izana hang up the call without giving a chance to Kisaki to say something. His grip on his phone tightened and he can feel rage building up inside him. He didn't waste anymore time and went there as fast as possible.

Izana reached the place and he saw his members and the Heavenly Kings sitting on the big iron containers. Chatters were going on but silence fell the air when Izana stepped forward.
"Why the sudden meeting Izana? There's still time for the showdown." Kakucho asked as he walked to him.
"I don't have to answer you, Kakucho." Izana turned to the members his back towards the Heavenly Kings. "Kisaki and Hanma step forward." Izana ordered, confusing everyone. Kisaki was confused but step forward anyway.

"What's the matter Izana? It's almost time for the fight with Toman." Kisaki said unbothered by the glare he was receiving. Izana walked up to him and grabbed his collar. "There's no fight tonight." Izana plainly said as he tightened his hold.
"What do you mean? You are joking right? For the plan to go according to you in this fight I even went out of my way to kill your sister and that pregnant woman." Kisaki exclaimed and the next thing he know is he's bleeding from his nose on the ground.

"Pregnant woman? Who told you to kill her Kisaki? Working behind my back is not allowed here. And you even failed to do your job to kill Emma." Izana glared at him and everyone shuddered from the murderous aura he was giving off.
Hanma was about to intervene Izana but Kakucho stopped him.

"My Y/n is in the operation room because of you, Kisaki. How do you plan on making up for it?" Izana punched and kicked him. He grabbed Kisaki by his collar and lift him up to face him. "C'mon say something...or I'm going to kill you right here and right now." Izana scrowled as he slammed Kisaki's head on the ground.

"I didn't know that you were connected to the girl Izana or I wouldn't have even thought to attack her. I swear." Kisaki whimpered in pain, panting hard and grunting.
"Do you know why I'm beating you here in front of everyone? So that they will know to not work behind my back." Izana yelled as he stepped on Kisaki's face.

Hanma came up behind Izana and punched him which Izana blocked perfectly. "Just because of a mere girl you are making a big mistake Izana. Hear Kisaki out. He's doing this all so you can rule over Japan." Hanma glared at Izana as he continued punching him which was blocked every single time.

"If Y/n will not be by my side then I don't want to rule Japan. Kisaki is not doing this for me he is doing this for himself."


Takemichi walked towards Mikey whose head was down his hands on his face. The others were also sitting on the seats or standing. Wakasa, Takeomi and Benkei already went back home saying that they will come back tomorrow.

"Mikey-kun. This might seem like a real thoughtless thing to say right now, but today's our showdown with Tenjiku." Mikey and the others didn't said anything as Shinichiro look at Takemichi. "Mikey-kun. The one who tried to kill Emma-chan and this accident was all done by Kisaki! Knowing him, he probably did some crafty shit to make sure he'd never get caught by the cops. Mikey-kun I'll fight Tenjiku alone if I have to." Takemichi walked away and he can see Emma and Hina trying to comfort each other.

' I'll protect you Hina. Even if I have to die today.'

Mikey didn't move from his place as he sat there like a stone. He knows what Takemichi is saying is not thoughtless at all and that his gang members might be waiting for them it's already past 9 afterall. But he don't want to leave you, he wants to be the first one to see you when you come out of the operation room. He wants to see your face so that his cold heart can get warm again.

"Manjirou. I agree with Uncle Haruki about you leaving the gang. When Y/n will get better and give birth to your child I don't want her to fear that there will be someone out there to attack her child. I know that your mind is not in the right state, right now. But I want you to settle everything today so that you can disband the gang without any problems. I also want you to bring back Izana." Shinichiro said as he look towards the way Takemichi disappeared.

"Takemichi said he'll fight alone if he have to but I think I told you that gang and family problems must be separated. The final decision will be up to you." Shinichiro stood up to give space to Mikey as he went to the two girls.

"Mikey I'll be going with Draken. If you can't come then you don't have to come. I know there's a lot of pressure on you so it'll be fine with just me and Draken on the fight. You can wait here for Y/n and we'll win the fight over there." Baji stood up as he walk towards the exit. Draken followed behind him but turned his head before he can walk out the exit. "Mikey you know what to do."

Mikey heard what they said clearly he also want to go fight with them but the thought of getting a call from the hospital in the middle of the fight telling him that you died was eating him alive. He wants to run away from all this but also he wants to kill that Kisaki, beat him up till he is not breathing anymore he wants to punch his face in so that nobody can recognise his face he wants to ripped him into pieces but he can't because he knows you will get scared of him. He know that even if he kills someone you won't leave him, he knows that you'll try to get him into his senses and save him. Which is why he is scared to let his darkness get loose. He will do anything to hold onto that thin string of sanity so that you won't have to live with a murderer.

"Shin I'll get going too. I guess it's time I come back to my senses. Baji and Ken-chin already went an hour ago I hope I'll catch up before the fight ends." Mikey said as he smiled softly at them and walked away.

' Y/n wait a few minutes for me. I'll come back soon with...Izana. You have to stay strong until then. '

Always & Forever (Mikey x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon