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"Y/n....she got into an accident..." When Mikey heard those words he suddenly can't hear anything else after that. His heart was squeezing and he was having problem with breathing. Emma was saying something but he couldn't hear it or maybe he didn't want to hear it. The words that came out of Shinichiro has shattered his world. He felt angry at himself for not being with his wife and guilty that he couldn't protect her. He wanted to scream out and cry his heart out but came back to his senses when he felt a sting on his left cheek.

"I know that you're sad, I'm too but we have to go to Y/n. I want to see with my own eyes that she's fine." Emma cried as she tried to wiped her tears which was not stopping. Mikey nodded his head not trusting his voice that it will not crack if he speak. Mikey and Emma ran towards the hospital just praying to God that Y/n would be fine.

Takemichi just stood there believing that everything will go down from here when his phone rang. He didn't cared to check the caller ID as he picked it up.

"Takemitchy, I'm... I'm so sorry I was not able to protect Y/n-chan but it all happened so quick that I couldn't do anything." Chifuyu said from the other side. He was breathing heavily and his voice panic.
"How did it even happened Chifuyu?" Takemichi asked running after Mikey and Emma.


"Why is Manjirou and Emma so late?" Y/n stood up as she look out the glass wall.
"Don't be so impatient Y/n. They will get here soon." Shinichiro turn to you as he smiled.
"I'll wait for them outside. If they don't come within five minutes I'll come back." Y/n walked out the door not listening to the protest Shinichiro was saying.

Y/n looked around hoping to see any one of them. Chifuyu was in the shop from across her watching her every moves. She suddenly heard a screeching sound and look to her left to see a car approaching her in a fast speed. She wanted to turn and run but her legs won't move her heart was hammering against her chest as she thought. ' Am I going to die? '

"Shit. I wouldn't make it in time." Chifuyu cursed as he ran towards you, realising that he wouldn't reach you in time he pushed the bike nearest to him towards the car. The bike hit the car but it didn't stopped it as the car hit you but the impact was lowered. Chifuyu runs towards you as blood ooze out of you. Hearing the commotion Shinichiro and his friends also came out to see you lying in the pool of your own blood. Shinichiro stood frozen, he just stared at the devastating scene in front of him and he can hear his heart shattering.

"Shit. Shin don't just stand there and bring your car." Wakasa shouted as he ran towards you and the guys ran to catch the driver. Shinichiro nodded his head as he went inside the shop to grab his car key.

"Y/n hang in there. Don't close your eyes okay?" Wakasa said as he slap your face gently to wake you. Chifuyu stands at the side feeling guilty for not saving you as tears fall down his eyes.

" stomach baby it will be find right?" Y/n grunted as tears slowly streamed down her eyes.
"Don't talk Y/n. The baby and you both will be just fine so just don't close your eyes." Wakasa tried to calm you down as he spoke gently trying his best to not panic. Then Shinichiro came in his car as he motions Wakasa to lay you down on the backseat with Wakasa and he placed your head on his laps.

"Y/n hang in there. You are a strong woman, right? I'll call Manjirou so don't worry." Shinichiro said as he pulled out his phone calling Mikey.


" eyes feel heavy...I won't die...right?....I don't want to die....I want to give birth to my baby..... Manjirou have so many expectations.....I don't want to crush them....I don't want to die...I want to stay with you all forever...." Y/n cried as she hold her baby bumb to calm herself down. By now Shinichiro was already crying as Wakasa tried his best to not let his tears fall down but failing in doing so.

Always & Forever (Mikey x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon