Chapter 77: Sausage...What Did You Do?

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***I'd like to address a few things quickly. One, yes, I am doing chapter names now. Two, yes, I know this is very similar to a chapter name in WLTDO, but I thought it would be a funny parallel. And three, this chapter is dedicated to Digo (aka Indigo) because they are a great friend of mine and helped me a bit with this chapter :)***



Why did bad things always happen when I was in the Crystal Cliffs?

Well, things weren't bad yet but I felt the bad vibes...if that makes sense. Me and Gem had called a meeting in her empire to discuss some things including Mythland's involvement with the Crystal Cliffs Academy for Magic. So, there I was, sitting in the meeting room within the mountain while I waited for her to arrive.

I glanced down at the non-existent watch on my wrist as the wizard walked in, clicking my tongue. "Well, you're a bit tardy Gem that's unlike you— did ya have to battle some winds with that massive hat of yours?" I asked, biting back a snicker as I watched her reaction form at the mention of her GINORMOUS hat.

Gem glared at me, her green eyes narrowing as she pushed the brim of her hat out of her face. "I'll have you know a...situation has arisen in the dragon hatchery, so I'm very sorry I was two minutes late Mr. Entitlement." She replied rather sharply, her hand tightening the slightest on her staff before she leaned it against her chair and sat down.

"What kind of situation?" I questioned curiously, now intrigued with things other than what we had come to talk about.

Gem sighed, resting her elbows against the table. It was then I realized how exhausted she looked. "We...we think the dragon egg is hatching." She said in a slightly low voice, taking off the wizard hat and placing it on the table beside her.

"ExcUse me?" I asked, my lips parting in shock. "Like— right now??"

"Not sure. It's been warmer though, much warmer. We've heard tapping as well. It could be a few days, or weeks, or maybe it's not hatching at all. Ender dragons take centuries to hatch depending on the conditions, we have no idea how old it was when we took it from the End." She answered, tugging her sleeves back over her wrists as she spoke.

"That's...not ideal." I said, pursing my lips.

"Yes, but it's beside the point, we're here to talk about the academy." Gem said, suddenly regaining her composure and sitting up straighter. "You had questions?"

"Ah, yes, questions—" I replied, my mind running back on track with what I had originally come for. "The requirements for my people to apply and get accepted into your school, what were they again?"

Gem gave me an exasperated look. "Seriously?" she asked. "There's a small pamphlet test that they have to fill out and pass after application, but in order to apply they need to have a high school diploma and relatively above average grades—"

"But I don't have a high school diploma-?" I started.

"Because you're Sausage. And you were tutored, and you're royalty. And you didn't even attend the school." Gem cut off, giving me an 'are you serious' look. Classic Gem, I hardly see her without that expression now that I think about it—

"But still—"

"Sausage, this is practically a prestigious college, and I won't have unqualified teenagers waltzing the halls and causing possibly dangerous problems. Those are only the basics requirements; clean records are also needed and—"

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