Chapter 68: Scott POV

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I jerked awake with a sharp gasp, sitting up so fast my head began to spin.

I tried to clutch onto the small details of my dream that had begun to slip from my memories like water through my hands as soon as I had opened my eyes. A girl with white hair...obviously my sister. Being dragged across the rough wooden floor, as she screamed for help, by a dark figure I could only assume was...

I groaned quietly to myself, trying to let my stress out through the breath as it built up inside me brick by brick as if a mason were there trying to weigh me down with his cinder blocks.

I then raised my hands to my face, rubbing the sweat that had gathered there that had begun to trickle down my face, the beads racing across my skin as rain would do on a window.

"Scott?" Came a voice from beside me, tired and raspy from sleep and quiet, hardly a whisper. I glanced down to see Jimmy on the other side of the bed, looking up with tired eyes, rubbing them with his knuckles.

"Oh. Did I wake you?" I asked, keeping my own voice low as to not wake anyone else.


I was so relieved when Jimmy forgave me. For a moment I was scared he'd deny me again, and we'd go back to having that wall between us that we had worked so hard on tearing down.

" 'm sorry." I replied, leaning my shoulders against the headboard with a quiet sigh.

"Another dream?" Jimmy asked, propping himself up on his elbows as he stared up at me, raising an eyebrow.

I let out another sigh, before I nodded. "Yup."

Jimmy sat up next to me, close enough that our elbows brushed, before looking back up into my face. "Anything I can do to help?" he asked, taking my hand, and moving his thumb in small circles just below my knuckles.

"No. I'm alright." I replied, squeezing his hand lightly before resting my head on his shoulder, my eyes going out of focus as I stared at the door in front of us.

"Okay." He answered, his voice soft as I felt him lean his head against mine. Soon it was silent in the room except for our in-sync breathing, and I also felt as his hand slowly shifted behind my back, around my waist.

"...what are we?" I asked after a few more moments0p; of silence, feeling Jimmy's warmth wash over me, comforting me more than a blanket ever could.

"Does it matter?" Jimmy asked back, his voice hushed as he spoke.

I blinked in surprise at his answer, before smiling. "No." I replied, content, as I snuggled closer to him, curling up against him and the headboard. Slowly, I closed my eyes, unable to wipe the smile off my face as I felt him tug me closer by the waist. This here was perfect, and the feeling I felt was indescribable, except for vague pictures of which I could use to explain it that would never measure up to the real thing. Warmth in the pit of my stomach spreading throughout my limbs like sunlight, blooming in my chest like flowers growing straight from my heart, peace flooding my brain like a river, strong and powerful but tranquil.

And slowly I slipped off into sleep again, this time not plagued by dreams of torture and stress...

I awoke again, not in the bed.

It was late morning, and when I had woken up to sunlight streaming through my window, and Jimmy shaking me awake for breakfast, I had come straight here to the apothecary. I must have fallen asleep sitting in the plastic chair beside Erin, but unlike me she slept on.

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