Chapter 50: Scott POV

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I was pacing up and down the living room.

I was wringing my hands as I thought of every possible scenario. Why on earth would Erin want Shrub? Where did she have her? Did Erin kill her already or was she holding her for something?

"Scott, STOP IT!" Gem said in a high-pitched voice, her chin resting in her steepled hands. I completely ignored her and picked up the pace in my pacing.

"Scott, stop your panicking!" Katherine cried.

What?" I mumbled and looked up. Large shards of ice were quickly growing from walls, ceiling, floor, long and sharp, and starting to block off the exits to the room. My eyes widened as soon as I realized, and they doubled in speed and began to grow faster.

I swore. "No, no, no. Not now, please." I pleaded, but that didn't stop it. "I- I-" I stuttered as everyone in the room jumped out of the way to avoid getting impaled.

"SCOTT!" Pearl shrieked.

"S- STOP!" I shouted, but it just quickened. "No- This is why I should have- I should have never left I-" I started panicking. My hands wouldn't stop shaking and sweat started to drip down my forehead, quickly crystalizing on its way down.

I saw Joel hit the ground to get out of the way of one of the spikes, Sausage barely made it out of the way of one, but it left a long bloody scratch on his upper arm, another one stabbed through one of the armchairs, lifting it off the ground.

"I- No! Why won't it stop!?" I cried, grasping at the roots of my hair. I was hyperventilating now, why was this happening?

"Scott, calm down!" Jimmy said from behind me, and I turned around to see him coming towards me fast. But a thin wall of ice shot from me, stopping him from making it to me. I stared down at it for a moment, and then looked in every direction, trying to find a way out.

I heard Jimmy grunt and I saw him kick the ice, shattering enough for him to step over. "Scott, its ok, calm down." He said and grabbed my forearms. "We'll find a way to get Shrub and save your sister, okay?" Then her wrapped his arms around my chest and pulled me into a hug.

For the bajillionth time today, I froze in shock. worked. Slowly, the ice went down, and I stared as the room returned to normal. A little frosty, but normal.

"I- How-" I stuttered. Jimmy let go of me, and without looking up at me, walked quickly across the room and sat down next to his sister, sitting crisscross. Lizzie gave him a sympathetic look for some reason and put a hand on his shoulder, whispering something into his ear I couldn't hear.

I bit my lip and looked around at everyone, a few people were glaring at me. I backed up a few steps nervously, before turning around and entering the hall behind us.

I heard the door swing again, and I turned around to see both Gem and Katherine entering after me. "Scott, WHAT WAS THAT!?" Katherine shrieked.

"I- I'm sorry I-" I stuttered.

"Calm down, Katherine." Gem said. "I'm sure it was an accident."

I nodded quickly. "Yes. An accident."

Katherine crossed her arms and gave me a mild glare. "Any chance you can prevent another one of these 'accidents' from happening? I don't appreciate my furniture being punctured."

"Jeez I'm sorry." I mumbled, pulling at my collar awkwardly. "Vegans..." I muttered under my breath. Why are they so passive aggressive!?

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