Chapter 55: Scott POV

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Everything hurt.

Memories began to flood back in. That was the second time I had been thrown off something in 24 hours. I groaned as I sat back up. "Again?" I mumbled, rubbing my face. I heard a scrambling as I opened my eyes. We were in a cave.

"That was quick." Katherine said before sitting down in front of me. Then without warning she slapped me across the face.



"Your ridiculous." I said, rolling my eyes. "Where's my sword?"

"It's still there, Scott." Jimmy answered timidly. "We had to get out of there because-"

"Because your crazy siblings tried to kill us. And news flash, they still have Gem." Fwhip said angrily, crossing his arms.

"I'm aware." I growled. That's when Joey sprinted into the cave with a satchel.

"Got...the supplies...from the dragons." He panted, dropping the bag, and sliding into a sitting position against the cave wall. "Oh- your awake." He said wryly.

I stuck my tongue out at him. "So, let me guess, you guys came up with an incredibly detailed plan on how to take down my siblings while I was passed out?" I said blandly. You could hear a pin drop in the silence that followed. "I'll take that as a no."

"Well- I- you know them better than anyone! We thought maybe...after you'd woken up, you'd think of something..." Pearl said with a small sigh, as if she were realizing their mistake.

"Where'd you get the idea that I know Xornoth?" I asked, my face contorting in confusion. "I only know that he's older than me by a few minutes and that he is a complete psychopath."

"Fine. You know Erin the best." Pearl shot back with a glare.

"And how does that automatically make me the plan guy!? Fwhip's the plan guy! I cried, gesturing dramatically to the ginger.

"Not in this situation Scott!" Fwhip snapped. "I'm the 'make cool gadgets and spend days on things' kind of plan guy, not the 'WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE IF WE DON'T DO SOMETHING RIGHT NOW' plan guy! Who knows how long Gem will last!?"

"I don't know! That's why you should have at least started to try and plan out what we're going to do!"

"He's got a point..." Lizzie said slowly, pulling anxiously at her pink curls.

I rubbed my face with my hands, extremely agitated. "How long was I out?"

"Bout an hour." Joel shrugged.

"We could try and go negotiate...?" Sausage suggested, but he was already wearing a hopeless look.

"There is no negotiating with Erin." I sighed. "She was ready to burn the empires to the ground a few years ago, with just one insult thrown at her."

"We're aware Scott." Pixl said, looking rather pissed. "No offense but that girl has been a menace since Xornoth found her."

I shrugged. "She was nice when she wanted to be." I mumbled, rubbing my upper arm.

"Was she though?" Joey asked. "She was evil even before Xornoth twisted her."

"For once the man agrees with us." Pearl sighed at Joey, shaking her head with a small smile.

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