Chapter 4: Scott POV

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The next few days were...hard.

Erin struggled to keep warm, and I just struggled. The longer the winter hung around, the more anxious I got and the more anxious I got the worse the winter got.

Gem's supplies came the day after, and Erin helped hand it out to the citizens. We both didn't think it was safe for me to come in contact with people. At least, normal elves.

I spent my time pacing up and down the halls. We lived like that for 5 days before we got our first visitor.

"Scott..." Erin called from the entrance hall. "It's Fwhip."

"What!?" I said, sprinting down the stairs as I started to panic for the fifth time that day.

"Calm down." She said, entering my room. "Grab the crown, go talk to him. Act normal."

"How do I act normal when everything clearly isn't normal!?" I cried and wrung my hands. My hands were shaking, and my lips were bleeding again.

"Scott." Erin said, copying the tone I'd always use to calm her done. Our roles had reversed drastically in the last few days. "Just do it."

I'd just like to say, I think I'm better at it than she is.

I put the crown on and walked into the entrance hall. Erin gave me an encouraging nod and I grabbed the doorknob. It froze and turned brittle just from my touch. Oh no. I ignored it and opened the door.

"Hi?" I said when I saw Fwhip standing there. He was rubbing his upper arms.

"Hi Scott, gosh its cold here." He said and let himself inside, although I had never invited him in. He stared curiously at the frost that had crept up the walls. "What is going on in here...?" His eyes landed on Erin, sitting on the bottom step on the staircase. "What happened to you?"

I thought this might be a good time to share with Erin what had happened. Maybe she would chase Fwhip away. "Oh, I dunno, maybe you shot her out of the sky?" I growled.

Fwhip looked confused for a second but then realization lit up across his face. "Oh right. Just reinforcing your rule." He said with a smirk.

"THAT WAS YOU?" Erin shrieked and limped over. "YOU ALMOST KILLED ME!"

"And she has a flight pass." I said. I felt the storm intense with my anger, but I didn't care at the moment.

Fwhip pointed at me. "That is exactly what I came here to talk to you about. I had to drive a car here and that isn't really easy in your empires eh condition." He said. "I came here to do some trading for a flight pass. Or of course that shiny on your head." He stared hungrily at the crown.

I considered this for a second. Trading to give him a flight pass would get him out of here quicker. "Trade what? For the flight pass of course." I added when I saw the excited look on his face.

Fwhip smirked. "Just wait one moment." He said and left the palace.

I exhaled quickly.

"You knew, didn't you. That it was him." Erin said angrily.

"Yes, but I didn't want you marching into the Grimlands to kill him." I said impatiently, tapping my foot. "I just want him to leave." I finally moaned. "I- I can't take this right now."

"We'll get him out of here as soon as possible." Erin reassured right as Fwhip came back in, carrying a back over his shoulder.

"Gold." He said and opened it. The bag was filled to the brim with gold. Erin looked at it greedily and I stared at it in awe.

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