Chapter 67: Scott POV

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Quick announcement!

From now on I'll be using the language Scots Gaelic in place of elvish. Every time I use it there will be a translation just underneath in bold like this.

I know this language is a thing already, but come on I'm not about to pull a J.R.R. Tolkien and create my own language for this book. I'll be using google translate so I apologize for any mistranslations.


Katherine had finally caved in and allowed me my sword.

The others had by now heard of Lizzie's challenge and everyone was now following me down the entrance hall towards the door.

"Bet you three gold coins Scott wins." Joey grinned to Joel, attempting a whisper, unaware I could hear him.

"You're on." Joel replied, limping along on his crutches as we stepped outside.

I found it annoying, them betting on whether or not I'd lose to the queen of the ocean. My hand tightened slightly on the hilt of my sword, but I said nothing. No matter how much I despised Joey, I was determined to win, even if that meant the avian won the bet.

I caught sight of Lizzie with her trident, pacing back and forth in the courtyard to the left side of the castle.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Jimmy asked nervously, walking along side me. "I don't want either of you getting hurt-"

"I'm afraid that's going to happen no matter what." I said, refusing to look at him as Lizzie looked up and we locked eyes.

"Huh, you actually came." Lizzie said, though there was an air of mocking, and I knew behind those blue eyes she still thought me a coward as she had stated before.

My eyes narrowed as my grip tightened ever so slightly again on the hilt of my sword, and Lizzie reciprocated with twisting her trident upright in her hand, slamming the end almost into the ground.

I heard the others fidget behind me, before all filing towards the side of the castle, out of our way. It felt like an arena match, a gladiator fight for the others entertainment. But at the moment, I paid no attention. All that mattered was the woman in front of me and the ways I might be able to defeat her.

"Well?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Have you called me out here to fight with your weapon, or with your words?"

"Everything we say to you seems to go in one ear and out the other, so the latter would be useless in this situation." Lizzie replied, giving me my answer.

The smallest smirk played across my lips as I glanced Lizzie up and down. "Well then, I suppose we should get started."

"Don't be so cocky, King Scott." Lizzie growled, using my title like an insult. "This will be a fair match. You dare use the ice magic, and I win by default."

"And what happens if you win? The prize of victory, or have you got something else planned?" I asked, keeping the curiosity from my tone though it felt as if it were a monster, eating me alive from the inside. Did Lizzie want everything else? Or just the bragging rights to say she beat me?

"Ah. Yes, that. If I win, you leave my brother alone and leave." Lizzie said, her smirk growing.

"And if I win?"

"I'll leave you alone and drop the matter." Lizzie stated, and I watched as her webbed hand tightened around the neck of her trident.

The Majors, Cold Fury (Book 2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن