Chapter 16

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Slowly blinking my eyes open, I hear the sounds of horses coming closer. I grunt in pain as I try and drag myself up the slope that leads to a creek. It has been two days since I was dumped here. The horses stop to where I can hear voices but not make out anything the men say. I can tell that they are British, at least. My eyes barely stay open when I see two red jackets approaching the top of the slope.  

"Do you think that we will get leave once we get back," one of the shadows asks, "Even one day would be nice."

"Are you joking? Most likely, we will be back out  the morning after we get there."

"Help," I whisper. Praying that they will see me, "Help..." I take my left hand a knock a loose rock down the few feet of the slope and listen as it hits the water. 

"What was that," one red shadow asks. 

They stop, pulling their rifles in front of them, and look around, "Saints, get the Lieutenant. Now," one of them leaves, running up the hill as the other comes toward me.

"Lieutenant, Lieutenant," the one running yells, stopping at the edge to where he can see the other soldiers and me, "Lieutenant, we found a woman beaten badly."

"Help me, please," I ask the one kneeling down next to me.

"Dear sh-, forgive me," the man stops mid-curse, "You're English," with barely a nod from me, "She's English!"

The sound of feet and metal items clanging together gets louder as more people get closer, "No, my dress," knowing the back of my dress is torn to pieces, leaving me not properly covered, I try and move to cover myself.

"Don't move, miss," the man next to me gently orders, "You will open your wounds."

"What in bl-" 

"Sergeant," a familiar voice snaps, "Mind your words. I will not have-" Opening my eyes once more, the friendly face of Jeremy Foster locks eyes with me, "Get me any bandages that we have."

"Lieutenant," I whisper as he kneels down next to me, "They may be nearby."

"Who is nearby, Isabella," Foster asks me as he starts looking over my back, "Heaven's above; what did they do to you? Who did this?"

"Jacobites," I hiss as another soldier starts placing a cloth on my back, "I don't know if they are nearby. They mi-"

"Shh," Foster takes one of my hands in his as the soldier works on my back, "Sergeant! Have a rider go out ahead and inform General Thomas that Miss Isabella Beauchamp will be returning with me and needs our help. Also, to have the surgeon ready when we arrive."

"Yes, Sir, do you want us to make a-"

"No, we need to move quickly. There may be Jacobites in the area. We are leaving as soon as Miss Beauchamp's wounds are covered."

The sergeant leaves to get everything and everyone ready. Foster gently moves me into a seating position as the soldier working on my wounds needs to tie a bandage around me. The soldier apologizes as he has accidentally touched my chest in doing so and also for making me hiss when he knots the tie. A shiver runs up my spine, and before I can say or do anything, Foster takes off his jacket and wraps me in it.

Somehow,  Foster is able to get me onto his horse after carrying me up the slope. True to his word, we take off as soon as everyone is saddled. The ride was worse than the first time I rode with him. I couldn't tell if I fell asleep or passed out from the pain, but before I knew it, you arrived at the same village where Claire and I had met with the British officers. 

"Lieutenant Foster," a sharp voice comes from behind us, "Why are you out of uniform," I can't help but let out a yelp when Foster tries to move me so that he can dismount.

"Sergeant," Foster calls for his man, "Keep her there," with the sergeant pushing against my right arm, Foster dismounts before reaching up for me.

"Call for the surgeon," the sharp voice, who turns out to be an officer, helps Foster with removing e from the horse. 

Another cry leaves me due to this, and Foster sweeps me up into his arms. Carrying me inside. Shouts come from all around me as soldiers quickly leave the main drinking area. A blanket is laid over the table, and a pillow is brought for my head. Lying on my stomach, Foster stays next to me, holding my hand as he orders all the other men out of the room, "Someone, find General Thomas, and where is the surgeon," the sound of the door opening again causes him and the other officer to block me from view, "Sergeant post two men outside that door so no one but the General and the surgeon can enter."

The shuffle of men leaving and grumbling is overshadowed by someone yelling to make way. A man in black with a doctor's bag enters, coming straight over to me. My head is swimming at this point, only allowing me to hear a haze as Foster speaks with the man. My bandage is cut away and removed. I cling to Foster when he tries to leave. He gently shushes me, petting my head, "It will be alright. The surgeon will help you."

"Lieutenant, come here and report," a new voice says.

It must be someone of higher rank as he leaves me to walk to the other side of the room. I hold my tongue as the surgeon pours some water on my back to help clear away the dirt and everything else.  I can feel my dress top being torn open more before a flash of pain rushes through me as what smells like alcohol is poured on my back. I can't help the scream that leaves me, "Bite down on this," the surgeon states, putting a sanded-down stick with leather wrapped around it in my mouth. 

Foster looks over at me before leaving the officers to hold my hand again. He wipes the tears off my face, "I'm here. You are going to be alright," he tells me. When the surgeon starts pouring the alcohol on the back, my screams are muffled. My eyes close from the pain, "No, Isabella, stay with me. You're going to be okay. Just stay with me...

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