Chapter 1

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The split was an accident as Claire got too far ahead of me when running. I stop for a moment to gather my thoughts when Claire lets outs a scream. I raced through the trees to find my sister. I had heard her scream but could not find her. Heart racing and blood pumping I push down my fears. Having blocked out the sounds of the gunfire and kept my emotions in check: however, the fear of something happening to her sister almost broke me.

I catch a glimpse of her pressed face-first into a rock and a British officer pulling up her dress. I pick up a rock and rush forward. I miss his head but nail his shoulder causing him to turn around and face me. He looks just like Frank. I pause because of this allowing him time to turn and backhand me. I launch myself onto his back making him release my sister. Somehow he gets me off and pins me against the ground with his hand at my throat cutting off my airway. I claw at him but failed and then grasp at his belt trying to free the knife from his side. Then he is gone.

A thud to my left follows the release of pressure at my throat. Claire comes to my side helping me sit up. I hind the knife that I managed to get off the officer. I see a man in a kilt knock the British officer out. He says something to us but we don't understand him. He repeats again and holds out a hand towards us. Not stopping to think Claire takes it and latches her other hand onto me.

After we clear the area of British troops the man stops to let us rest. Claire looks me over, "You will have some bruises for sure," she gently press on my neck, "Can you speak?"

I try and my voice comes out sounding like a cat dragging its nails across a chalkboard, "Cl-a-"

"Rest your voice, lass." the man says in English with a very thick Scottish accent, "Ye are safe now."

Claire and I are set on a horse and the man walks beside it. I feel bad since he owns the horse and is walking. I don't know where we are headed but I like this man better than the British one. We make it to a small cottage-like place. It is at this time that I notice what we wearing. Claire has on the same clothes from our time period as due I but they are ripped and dirtied. I'm so glad that I decided to wear what I did. At least I am covered. The man helps us down and guides us inside. When the door has opened a room full of men about seven or eight looks straight at us.

"Murtagh where did ye find these lasses," a bald man with a white mustache demands. He makes his way over to us away from a man sitting in a chair.

"I found them in the woods. They had a run-in with Randall," the man that brought us states, "There was a dispute over whether the oldest lass was a whore or not."

I move next to Claire as the bald man asks another question, "And what was the lady's opinion on the matter?"

"I am not," Claire blankly states.

One of the men makes a comment on how they could test it, "I'll not be hold'n with rape," the bald man looks to be the leader, "What of the little lass."

Murtagh picks up a lite candle and holds it close to me, "Chaidh a' bhean bheag a bhualadh le Randall," (The little lady was beaten by Randall)

"No one will touch either of ye lasses," he walks back over to the man that was sitting in the chair, "We need to get it fixed. We have to ride."

I take a second to see that the man sitting has a dislocated shoulder. Luckily Claire tells them to stop before they brake the poor man's shoulder and arm. She ignores the two blades pulled on her, "You have to get the arm into proper placement before it will slip back into joint."

I about fell over when she told them that she was a nurse. If she didn't figure it out by now that she was in a different time. I couldn't help but giggle which ended in a cough due to the bruising around my neck. Murtagh comes over to help me stay upright and checks to make sure that I am all right, "Not a wet nurse. I'm a healer," Claire restates, "Isabella come help me."

Remembering my training I quickly take my place in front of him. Claire stands behind him and asks one of the men to help hold him down. I nod my head at the redhead man before starting. I make quick work of it and the men are all surprised, "Chan eil e air a ghoirteachadh tuilleadh." (It doesn't hurt anymore.)

I get his arm in a sling as Claire explains that he can't use it for at least the next few days. The men saddle up their horses. They put Claire with the red head man whose name is Jamie. When the man from earlier, the one who made the comment about testing if Claire was a whore, tries to guide me to his horse I hind on the other side of Jamie's horse. I would sooner walk than ride with him, "Murtagh can the little sassenach ride with you?"

"Aye, come her' lass," he motions over to his horse and helps me settle on the front part before joining behind me. It is raining and he wraps something around me and him as we ride. I must have fallen asleep because when I open my eyes it is only me, Claire, and Murtagh.

"Claire," I horse out.

"No," she snaps at me, "I don't want you saying a word till at least two days."

The blood on Jamie's face doesn't make me uncomfortable when he arrives to take us back to the group. Once Claire has mounted we join up with the group and continue on our way. The best part of the ride was when Jamie fell from his horse and Claire gave him an ear full for not telling anyone about his injury. You could have turned the men's faces pink with the language she used. However, in true Claire fashion, she tells them to, 'mind their own bl--dy business.'

I fell asleep again as we are just reaching the castle when my co-rider nudges me awake. Murtagh helps me down before leaving me with a lady that will be helping me and Claire, "Aye, at least the young one has some clothes on."

"My sister has been married and widowed," I defend Claire. I know that during most historical times that a widow is given more freedom than single unmarried girls, "Where I have yet to be married."

Murtagh lets out a low chuckle before heading off the join the rest of the men.

"Come along you two sassenach," the lady guides us into the castle with a look of pride on her face. From what I could not say.

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