Chapter 15

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Over the next few days, I only see Jamie when Claire leaves him alone for a few minutes. Every time I have tried to speak with her, she says that she has work to do. Jamie has not been eating, and I can see that the fire has not returned to his eyes. Ultimately, they decided to leave for France, where some of Jamie's family lives.  I spoke with Jamie and Murtagh after Jamie came back around.  I stand on the shore with Willie, Rupert, and Angus.  I watch as Murtagh helps Jamie into the boat that will take them to the ship. 

I hold my chuckle back as Angus kisses Claire on the lips. Rupert shows him how to say goodbye to a lady by kissing Claire's hand. When they turn to leave, Claire notices that I stay put, "Isabella?"

"I am returning to Lord McKenzie's castle," I state, "He has asked me to return and become their Healer.  Dougal is having his men take me back."

"You can't," she takes me by the hand.

"Why not? I do not have a price on my head, and since Randell is dead, no one will be looking for me," I gently pull her aside. Whispering lowly, "You have a life on both sides; let me find mine."

Pulling me into a hug, Claire sheds a few tears, "What about your marriage to Murtagh."

"The young Lass has the annulment papers," Jamie answers for me, "Since they never bedded each other, it was like nothing ever happened."

"Yes, now Murtagh can return to sleeping with as many women as he likes."

"Ye can never say that I was not a true husband," Murtagh calls from next to Jamie.

"Tha thu air a bhith, ach tha thu fhathast na phian anns a 'phut." (You have been, but you are still a pain in the butt.)

With our goodbyes finished, Willie, Rupert, Angus, and I watch as the ship gets underway. We can't stay long as we need to start returning to meet with Dougal. Willie and I ride behind Angus and Rupert as we return. Unluckily for us, our first test at getting back running into a British patrol after we had been riding for about two hours.  I stayed as quiet as possible, and Rupert even answered for me, saying that I was his ward to keep the soldier's attention off of me. However, a corporal that looked familiar kept his eyes on me. He did not say anything, though; eventually, we went on our way with nothing happening.

We travel quickly to get back into Clan-controlled land. However, horses can only travel so far and fast and must be fed. After spending three nights on the trail, we stop at an inn. Dougal had sent plenty of money with the men after I had sent Willie back to him with the news of me staying. We had another three days till we met up with him.  Everything was fine. Rupert rented me a room, and the men shared another one.  However, when we woke up that morning is when things went downhill. Three redcoats are in the dining area. They spotted me as soon as I entered the room. 

My party was already downstairs, and I quickly approached them. I kept quiet due to the redcoats looking over at me every minute or so, and Willie noticed my discomfort quickly moving so that I am between him and Rupert, "Tha mi a' creidsinn gum feum sinn falbh. (I believe we need to leave.)" Willie stands, offering me his hand, "Tha aoighean againn air nach eil fàilte. (We have some unwelcome guests.)"

Angus and Rupert follow my eyes as we all stand. Angus places his hand on his dirk, "No," I say, gaining all the attention of our group and the redcoats, "Lord MacKenzie is waiting for us to return. We can't stay any longer then we have."

"Aye," Rupert motions me and Willie forward. Saddling up we leave quickly to put as much distance between the inn and us. However, the redcoats at the inn were not the ones we needed to watch out for. 

After a week of traveling, we arrive on the edge of MacKenzie land. Taking a break, I head down the slope to the creek for a drink and to wash my face. An uneasy feeling settles on me and does not leave even once I return to the men. Someone has been watching me. We head on our way, only stopping at night and to rest the horses. When night fell, the feeling of being watched left me. In the morning, when the men wanted to check on a... woman... and her house, I agreed to stay on the edge of town.  The area was near the house of the ...woman and her workers. In case I needed the help of the men but far enough away that it was respectable. Willie was sent to get a few things for the store. I sit on the ground with a book in hand.

The sound of footsteps stops me from reading. Two men stand in front of me, "Madainn mhath a bhean, (Good morning my lady.)"

"Madainn mhath," 

"You're English," the same man states.

"Yes, I am. Did you need something?"

The second man clears his throat, "The magistrate needs to speak with you."

"I don't see why, I just got here this morning," I stand up. The men seem to fidget a lot, "I just need to let my escort know."

"Escort," the second man questions. I take a better look at the men. Their dress is a little dirtier than most people's, and they have a few different weapons on them. 

"Yes, I have an escort. They are taking me back to Lord MacKenzie."

"Lord Mackenzie, you say."

 I am holding my reins for my horse in my hands, "Yes. I am under his protection," I motion to the pleasure house, "They are inside. Well, two of them. One went for feed for the horses and will be back any moment. He will join us and then we can leave."

Willie rounds the corner of the street that I am on. He sees what is going on and picks up his pace, "Mistress Isabella, are you alright?"

"Yes, the-" 

A sharp blade is at my neck, "Listen here lad. Tell your master that we have taken the lady and that if he wants her back, it will cost him twenty pounds," the man pushes me and motions for me to mount up, "We'll meet at sundown for the money by the forest on the east side of town." 

With a knock of his heels, my horse takes off with me in front and my capture behind me.

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