Chapter 7

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Descending the stairs to the gathering room below, a few more British soldiers have entered since we had. With Foster by my side, I receive tips of hats or nods of heads, even with my plaid skirts.  No one wants to get on an officer's bad side. I can just imagine their faces when I thanked Foster for opening the door for me with my English accent shining through. He is a gentleman offering his arm to me as we walked. 

"I hope that the fresh air is helping?"

I nod in return, "Yes, I enjoy nature and the peace that comes with being alone. Not that I get it often."

"I hope that I have not imposed on your peace by escorting you," Foster's eyes take a quick side glance at me. Turning his statement into more of a question.

"Not at all," I take a second to think about my response before continuing, "I have enjoyed your company as short as it has been. You have proven to be an honorable gentleman and officer of His Majesty's army,"  I ignore the rude glances and faces that the Scots are throwing my way. They can not hear me, so they believe I am a traitor. A grin cracks on his face, "I hope you do not think me to forward."

"Not at all," Foster sees a man spit at the ground in our direction, "We should return to the inn at least. The wind is picking up," he throws out to get me to return."

"As you order, Lieutenant."

He leads me back to the inn, and we find seats in the tavern room. Sitting, we speak about the different places we have been. Of course, I pull from my love of history instead of straight from my memories. Can't speak of modern buildings that aren't even there yet. Or about inventions that have yet to come. I could just see Foster's face if he ever heard radio being used. He would probably fall over. 

When he starts speaking of his family, I listen to every word he says. I can picture his younger sister and brother as they chase him around the yard as his mother sits and watches them. His father sits by a fireplace at night, reading silently as the rest of the family sits and listens to the story that is being read by the mother.

"What of your family?"

I look down at my hand that is lying on my lap before, "I don't remember much of my parents. I was young when they passed. Once my sister got married, I had to move in with her and her husband." 

"I am sorry I should n-"

"You did not know, and I believe your question to be true in nature," I cut him off gently, "I don't speak of them as much as I should. Most likely because I can not remember their face very well."

"I believe we should head back to the other before they believe that we have run off."

I can't help the giggle that leaves me as I stand planning to follow Jeremy Foster when the front door bursts open, and I am nearly knocked over as men rush in. Foster catches me before I can hit the ground and is about to start shouting at the men when we see why I was knocked out of the way.  Foster quick move in front of me, not knowing that I have seen a bloody and injured man before.  Not even a minute after the poor soldier was brought in do I see Claire all but fly down the stairs and over to help. 

"Come, Miss. Isabella," Foster leads me back up the stairs and into the room that we started in. 

The men rise as I enter, and Foster quickly gets me a seat believing that I am going to faint, "Miss. Isabella," General Thomas makes his way over to me, "I hope you did not have to witness the cost of war?"

"I'm afraid that our guest did," Foster answers.

"I hate to leave you after such a shock; however, I must leave to follow after the men that wounded the soldier downstairs."

"I could stay behind," my head shoots up at the sound of the voice. There, not even twenty feet from me, is Black Jack Randall, "After Mistress Beauchamp is finished downstairs, I will guide the two ladies-"

"Yes, yes, yes. That will do," General Thomas stops him, "That will do just fine. Everyone else, come with me."

With a swift nod of their heads, the other officers head off to find the men that attacked the wounded soldier. Randall and I stay seated for a few minutes, just looking at each other. Randall makes the first move by edging toward me, "Miss. Isabella," he chuckles, "At last, I get to know the name of the girl that attacked me in the woods."

"I don't know where you think you know me from, but I have never met you bef-"

"No need to lie it is just you and I in here," he is now only about a foot away from me.

I stand up and look him dead in the eye," I am sorry, officer, but you are confused. I have never met you before today."

"Do not insult me, Miss. Isabella."

"That is not my intention Sir. However, I must rep-"

My head snaps to the right, cutting me off.  He then grabs my hair by the roots and pulls it back, "Do you take me for a fool? You may have others believing your and your sister's lies, but I don't."

He pushes me away from him and straight into a wall. My head bounces off of it like a ball off a wall. Haze covers my vision as I slide down the wall to the floor. A ringing fills my ears as a female figure comes into the room. My eyes fail before I can make out who it is. I only hope that it is not Claire.

I just wanted to thank everyone for hanging in there through my moving and job change. I hope to have another chapter up soon. How you enjoy it and leave a comment below.

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