Chapter 13

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Claire and Jamie seem to have fixed things between themselves these past few days. I'm excited because today, Claire will start to let me treat the men with her now that I am almost healed. My ribs are still tender, but overall I am fine. Murtagh has watched over me since we got back. He always ensures that I am not overdoing it, escorting me to dinner and even having one of the serving girls help me get dressed every day.  

As I make my way down to Claire's office, I see her storming past me, holding some doll made out of sticks. Leaving the kitchen shortly after, I see Laoghaire come out with a red mark on her cheek. Cornering her, "Laoghaire," I hiss, "If you are still trying to get with Jamie, I suggest you stop."

"Are you going to slap me, too," she snaps back.

"No," I check to ensure no one is watching. Leaning in closer, "But what would Lord McKenzie think if someone under his protection ends up sick as they are still healing from being attacked," her eyes widen,  "What do you think would happen if he is told that the doll was under my bed? Mistake or not, I don't think attacking or planning to attack a Lady would help."

I turn my body, giving her a way out. She takes it. The day continues with me tending to the men myself. They all save their glances or colorful comments to themselves since they know that I am married and that my husband would run them through. By the end of the day, I am so tired that I skip dinner and head straight to bed.  When I wake up with the sun the next day, I am thrown for a loop the rest of the week. Dougal's wife dies, and he goes off the handle in the great hall as I speak with Lord McKenzie. One of Clarie's friend's husband dies not even a day later. Then I learn that the friend is pregnant with Dougal's child. 

The biggest shock came after a witch trial of Claire and Geillis Duncan, Dougal's mistress. Jamie barely managed to save her and escape the town. It would cost Geillis her life. To my surprise, Jamie did not send for Murtagh and me immediately.  Nor did they send for us after a week. No, we only got the call after Jamie had gone missing. I may have been put off by Jamie and Claire living it up as the Laird and Lady; however, this is nothing compared to what they did before they got to the castle. 

My anger will have to wait as we ride up and down the highlands, trying to find signs of Jamie. We travel as performers, with Claire singing a particular song. We end up in an armory spot where Dougal has stored things for Prince Charles, "He ran into a group of six red coats. One of them recognized him. He was tried and found guilty. Sentenced to hang in three days."

I let Claire lean into my body as the news sinks in. Jamie, the man she has grown to love, is sentenced to death. My brother-in-law, sentenced to death, "Easy," I whisper to her. Dougal makes a move to speak to Claire alone. Murtagh, forever protecting of his Laird and Lady, stops him. 

"I need to speak with the lady alone."

"No ye-"

"I'll stay," I step in. What little time we have left to save Jamie does not need to be spent fighting with the one person who might be able to help us. 

I follow Dougal and Claire down another hallway.  The conversation to follow was not what I was expecting. Dougal offered to marry Claire once Jamie was dead, but still. Claire had told me of the offer that he had made when she married Jamie. My sister is pretty and would have wealth to her name once Jamie died. Dougal has always been a man wanting to build his own empire. Feeling overshadowed by his brother. Mostly even more once he fathered the heir to the McKenzie clan, but under his brother's name.

"Why you-" I pull Claire to a stop after her brain catches up to the most important reason that Dougal would offer this.

"Dougal, I need a word with my sister," I tug her a few feet away, "Listen to me," I harshly whisper, "No matter how you feel about Dougal or what he says, you know he is right."

"How co-"

"Jamie would want you safe," I grab both of her hands, "I am safe being married, paper only married to Murtagh. Randall would be able to get to you, though. Marrying Dougal would make sense."

"Jamie loves you like a sister. How could you say that."

"I say it to protect my sister. Think everything through. Try everything, but promise me that if Jamie is dead in the end, you will marry Dougal," I pull her in for a hug, "if only for your own safety."

Still in some shock, we rejoin Dougal, who is silently waiting, "How many men do you have with you," she asks.

"Ten," he answers, staring at her, "You can't believe ten men will get Jamie out of Wentworth Prison."

"I have to try."

"He'll be dead before you get there."

She takes a shuddery breath, "If he is dead in the end. I will marry you." 

"I will not force my men into their death with this," Dougal locks eyes with her, "But I won't stand in the way of the ones you wish to go."

"I will ask one thing of you," Claire states, "Find a place to hind Isabella," my head shoots up like a rocket. What is she doing, "A place where no one would look, but we can get to her quickly. If everything goes south, then you will take her as your wife."

"Claire, what are you-"

"Laird McKenzie enjoys her company,  and you can use this to get back in his good graces."

"Claire, if you go and get killed, it will take a whole army for me not to go after Randall," I move to grab her arm as she walks away. Dougal firmly grabs my right arm to keep me in place, "Claire, don't you dare leave me behind again," she keeps walking. Dougal grabs my left shoulder keeping me in place, "Claire!"


It has been sometime my readers. I would love to hear some of your predictions for the story. What will, where will Isabella go and end up. With so many different paths I would love to hear your thoughts and guesses. 

Hopefully I will have another chapter written before the start of next week. Till next time.

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