Chapter 2

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Clarie and I have rooms right next to each other. We were left to rest for a while. I washed my face and brushed out my hair before Mrs. Fitzgibbons, the lady who showed us to our room, tried to help me change. I don't let anyone help me with undressing but I do let them help me with my hair and lacing up my dress. Lord  Colum MacKenzie wanted to meet with us. I keep my distance from the man who came to gather me, forcing him to fetch Claire to 'calm me down.'

Clarie playing the perfect part of a big sister, rushes over to me and wraps me in a hug, "I'm here, Isabella. It's alright."

"Keep the story simply traveling as a widow to family in France and attacked," I whisper into her ear. We have to keep our story straight or who knows what will happen.

We leave with the man who escorts us to what I believe to be the Lord's office. Claire starts to look around for whatever it is she is looking for. I, in turn look at the artwork on the walls, especially the horse and its rider. When Lord MacKenzie enters, he and Claire get right down to it. I focus on the art and books, "Lass, lass," I turn and face Lord MacKenzie, and he motions me to come closer to him. I do so only because I know that I could take him if need be with his legs being so bad. He studies me. His eyes focused on the bruises on my neck the most, "Aye," he looked between myself and Claire, "No one will harm ye as long as ye are here. Why don't you go to the kitchen to Mrs. Fitzgibbons? Your sister will join you shortly."

I look to Claire, "It'll be alright, Isabella."

A young boy leads me down to Mrs. Fitzgibbons, and I help her make some small things like biscuits and put fruit onto different plates. She is a nice lady. A smile graces my face as I watch her order the staff around and even kick out some of the men when they try and sneak some food, "All right out with ye," she chases Rupert out before muttering some Gaelic words under her breath. Most likely curse words.

One of the girls lets out a yelp and drops a pan turning the attention to her. I hurry over to see her hand is burned. I see a pot of water over the fire and quickly test it to see how hot it is. It is warm, so I dip a ladle into it and gently pour it over the girl's hand. She cries out and tries to pull away, but I grip her wrist tighter, "No, it will help with the healing."

I ease our way into the water with the coolest temperature and look around for mustard. I spot the seed and quickly get to work grinding it into a paste before applying it to the girl's hand and wrapping it, "Now, where did you learn to do that," Mrs. Fitz asks once I am done.

"From my sister and books," I answer, "I mostly like to study and read. However, I do help Claire when the need arises."

Claire soon finds me and takes me for a walk on one of the look out paths on top  of a wall, "We'll be heading back towards the stones in a few days.'

"How are we going to get back to Frank," I whisper?

"I don't know," she admits, "but getting back to the stones puts us one step closer."

"We have a better chance staying here and finding out about the folklore of the stones and then leaving."

I go to argue more but a coughing fit stops me. Claire start fussing and helps me back to my room. She is worried that I've caught a cold since it did rain on our way back and makes me lay down. I stay in my room that night instead of joining the rest in the hall for the evening meal. Claire was right about my cold. When I woke up in the morning I felt horrible. I don't even get up or dressed. I simply go back to sleep.

It's mid afternoon when I wake again. I see a small cup with water next to my bed and a bowl of broth sitting next to the fire. My head is pounding and dizziness swips over me as I sip on the water. It coats my throat for a few moments giving me a second to breath before laying back down. My cough soon returns making my body tense and release with each one. I know for a fact that this is not helping my vocal cords heal. Our father, when he was alive, compared my coughing to the sound that a goose makes. I don't know how long I have  been up for but a knocking on my door pulls me out of my daze, "Miss Beauchamp," a male voice, thick with the Scottish accent, sounds off on the other side of the door, "Miss Beauchamp, Mrs. Fitzgibbons say  she has not seen you today. Are ye in there?"

I go to answer but instead I am sent into a coughing fit. I pulls the covers tighter over me trying to warm up and curl into myself on my side, "Did ye find the little lass," another male voice asks. This one I knew to be Jamie's, "Mrs. Fitz-" my coughing stops him short, "Little Sassenach, Isabella are ye alright," he demands. I can't answer as my coughs get harder, "I'm coming in if ye don answer me."

It's not even ten seconds later and the door is opening and Jamie and one of the men from our travels enter. Concern is clearly written on their faces when they see me. Jamie is next to me and places his hand on my face before telling the other man to get Mrs. Fitzgibbons and Claire. Jamie rubs my back through the bedding trying to comfort me. When my coughing slows he helps me roll onto my back. By this time the two ladies come flying through the open door. Jamie gives them the space they need to help me and waits by the door. Murtagh soon joins him. The oringal second male had not returned.

"Alright out with ye men," Mrs. Fitz shoos the men out and close the door so that they change and wipe me down, "Ye should have called for us," she adds a pointed look with her statement.

"I just woke up."

"You have a cold and need rest," Claire glares at me, "You need to eat something and then sleep. I need to see the healer to see if they have anything to could help."

"We have no healer Claire," Mrs. Fitz states, "He died some time back. His things are still down in his workshop. Go see if you can find anything. I will stay with the Lass."

Without another word, Claire flies out in search of medicine. My new keeper sets about stoking the fire and wrapping me in warm blankets. Claire soon slips back in and makes me take some medicine that she has made. It sends me into another fit but soothes my burning throat. Claire takes a seat next to me as Mrs. Fitz tucks me in and starts to hum. Before long my eyes are closing but I can still hear everything around me.

A soft and gentle knock comes to the door. It is opened a bit base on the noise it makes, "Is the Little Sassenach alright?"

"Righ now the lass needs rest," Mrs. Fitzs whispers, "Off with ye. It's not proper for ye to be here at the moment."

For the next five days all, I do is rest. I eat the food Mrs. Fitz brings and chat with her. Then I rest. Lord MacKenzie came by on the third day to check up on me, but he was my only other visitor besides Claire and Mrs. Fitz.

By the end of the sixth day, I have grown tired of just sleeping and asked one of the girls I found outside my door to help me get dressed. I then head outside. The air is chilled but is a nice change. I take in all the sights and sounds. The Blacksmith is busy making horseshoes and nails. A few men are play fighting with some young boys. Making my way to the stables to look at the horses. I can't help but pet them and talk with them. I just finished giving a black one an apple when "What are ye doing out here Isabella?"

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