Chapter 4

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"Madainn mhath," (Good morning) I greet everyone as I pass. These past weeks have passed quickly and lively. Claire tried to leave at the Gathering. Luckily I stopped her with the help of Jamie. As well I have been able to study some of the Gaelic language. I have picked up mostly greetings and please and thank you speaking-wise. I can understand more though. Today I was helping Claire with the Hunt. We are going in case anyone gets hurt.

Claire has never liked hunting and lets her feelings shine through at every chance. She is doing nothing to help her image with Dougal or the rest of the clan. Rupert stays with us as we hang back from the active hunting. Any cornered animal will be even more dangerous than it normally is. This is proved true as by the end of the hunt there is one man needing stitches and another is dead. I followed at the tail end of the column as it returned to the castle. I was escorting the body of the man that had died. Rupert was with my sister towards the front. Unlike most of the group, I was still on my horse when we entered the clearing. The men looked to be playing some type of lacrosse game. More physical and cheap, underhanded shots were being taken.

I stop my horse as I watch the game for a few minutes. Jamie and Dougal are going after each other. It is after all a war-like game. There are a few other younger men that are showing off for the lasses. The older ones like Angus, Rupert, and Murtagh, use this time to show each and the younger ones who the bosses still are. All was well till Murtagh hit the ball to Jamie and Angus sent a man flying into a kettle that was over a fire banging it into the stones below.

My view changes from that of the game to the sky as my horse rears. I have no time before my weight is thrown backward and my feet slip from their holders. Having ridden many horses in different places I came to like the Western saddle which includes a horn on the front of the saddle. I reach out for it even though it is not there and hasn't been invited yet. The reins slip from my grasp as gravity pulls on me. I brace for my landing on the hard ground. The ground seems softer when I hit it though. Only then do I hear a grunt, telling me someone has softened my blow.

"Isabella," Claire rushes to my side. I hear Dougal yelling at people to give me space as they try and crowd around and Jamie is next to me almost as quickly as Claire, "Isabella, can you hear me?"

I let out a groan as she takes my wrist into her hand. I jerk it back and cradle it to my chest, "Easy there sassenach," Murtagh's voice sounds right next to my left ear. He broke my fall. Murtagh eases his way out from under my left side.

Jamie and he help me to my feet. Waiting to make sure that I'm not going to faint before removing their hands, "Come on lassie," Jamie guides me back towards the castle with Claire to my right.

"Tapadh leat," (Thank you) I grit out.

Instead of Claire's dungeon, as she calls it, they lead me to my room. Thanks to Murtagh my injuries are light. A sprained wrist and some shock are all. Clarie makes a sling for me and wraps a blanket around me before asking Jamie to watch me for a second as she gets me some tea. She leaves the door open as she heads for the kitchen.

"Are ye alright sa-"

"I'm fine," I snap. I really wish he would leave so that I could let my tears fall. I don't cry in front of strangers. I keep my eyes trained on the one window in my room.

"Dè an ifrinn fhuil," (What the bloody h--l) Jamie mumbles taken back by my shortness.

"Thoir maitheanas dhomh, ach fàg. Bidh mi gu math dha-rìribh," (Forgive me, but please leave. I will be fine really.) I whisper.

A soft chuckle fills my ears, "Well ye said most of it right Isabella," I turn my head to face him. I can see the questions in his eyes, "What's wrong wit ye?"

"Please Jamie. If you are a friend, leave me be for now."

He nods his head even though he doesn't want to leave. Then slowly he walks out the door and shuts it behind him. I silently let the tears slide down my face. From what happened today to even when we first got here. I haven't let myself have a mental breakdown yet. When Claire returns she simply sets the tray down and hands me a cup before leaving the room. She had long ago learned that when I get to this point I just need some time to myself, and if I need help I will seek her out.

When the sun has set she returns and delivers the news that we will be leaving with Dougal, Jamie, Murtagh, Angus, Rupert, and a few others for rent collection, "I was able to get Dougal to believe that you would be able to ride one-handed for the next week or two as your hand heals."

"Thank you sis," I pull her in with my good hand for a hug.

When morning comes I'm with the rest of the group and heading out for the collecting. We have another English person with us. A lawyer by the name of Ned. I notice that whenever the men think that I am listening to their conversation they try to tone down their stories, or even switch to Gaelic. I haven't told them how much I have learned yet. I think that Mrs. Fitz would tan their hides if she found out about their language around me.

We are traveling for a few days before coming to our first stop. Claire and I watch as Ned takes the money portions of the rent and hands out the payment slips. Ned has voiced his opinion of different animals being part of the payment and to our surprise, two pigs are offered and he has to take them. I almost brake out in a chuckle at the look on his face. Claire slips off to explore however I remain as I watch what Ned does. I then look over at the wagon which carries things like grain and other such payments and notice that the men are spreading the weight out but that they are mixing things up. Like putting grain next to the animals.

Jamie is handling this part so I go to him. I watch for a second before making eye contact, "Jamie, why are you putting the grain next to the animals," he looks at me with a questioning gaze, "Would it not make sense to keep the grain a little higher up off the bottom so that the animal dug and body liquid don't mix into the grain?

He shoots me a grin as he starts explaining the process that they have. Men soon finish by late afternoon and are packing everything up. Murtagh has joined us and is helping load the last of the payment, "Isabella," he calls, "why are ye and Claire different?"

"You mean like how I am calmer than her or..."

"Bidh thu a' coimhead barrachd mus dèan thu cleasachd nuair a bhios Claire dìreach a' leum a-steach gun cheistean." (You watch more before acting when Claire just jumps in without questions.) I can't help but giggle, "Like she is about to do now."

I snap my head up and see Claire marching over to the goat that was given as payment earlier, "Ifrinn fhuilteach," (Bloody h--l) I go to stop her but Jamie puts his arm out in front of me.

"She'll never learn if ye always step in."

I hold my tongue and listen as she and Dougal argue. Angus joins in as well. However, once Dougal makes a comment about Claire being drunk I've had enough. I will not let the entire village laugh at my sister, "Dougal," I roar as I cross the open area of the village, "Cha dean thu mo sis-" (You will not make my sis-)

"May I be of service," a young English accent cutes me off. I turn and see a young man in an apron. Dougal says something but I am too focused on the new man to hear it, "I was speaking to the lady."

Jamie has moved over to me and puts himself pretty much in front of me. This could get bad and bad very quickly.

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