Chapter 23 - Hair Strand

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I was on the floor, playing with Eva

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I was on the floor, playing with Eva. Giggles and baby babble filled the room. Out of the blue, someone knocked on the door.

I opened it to find a total stranger with a cheeky grin on her face. "Can I help you with something?" I squinted my eyes at her.

"I'm Maanya, Nico's friend. He thought you could use a friend, so here I am," She declared, strutting into the room like she owned the place. She sauntered over to the couch, plopped down, and made herself at home.

Well okay then.

Eva gurgled in delight from behind.

"So, what's the plan for the day?" Maanya asked me.

I shrugged, "I don't know, I didn't even know you were coming. Don't ask me, I was just going to play with Eva till-," She cut me off.

The fucking audacity.

"Booooring," she faked a yawn. The cheeky grin on her face told me that my plans had just been overruled.

"Well, what do you wanna do?" I asked.

"Now we're talking," she said, slowly rubbing her hands together, a cheeky grin on her face. Uh oh.

"Well, I was thinking—" Her phone rang, and her eyes lit up.

"Ooo, unknown number, how fun," I furrowed my brows, wondering how that could be fun. 

She answered with an exaggerated, "Hello, Road Kill Cafe, you kill it, we grill it. How can we help you today?"

Her face suddenly turned serious as she heard the voice on the other end. I watched as her expression shifted, a mix of surprise and recognition.

"Nico?" she asked, and then nodded in response to whatever he said.

"Be right there. Bye," she put her phone down.

"Well, your grumpy boyfriend just called me. I have to go," she said, getting up.

I blushed, "Oh, he's not my—"

"Maanya, make sure you check if your call is ended or not," came the voice from the phone, and she winced.

She mouthed an "I'm dead" to me and cut the call. Then, Maanya bent down to Eva's level, gently petting her head. "You be a good girl, okay?" she said, her tone sweet. Eva gurgled and giggled in response, clapping her hands,

As Maanya straightened up to leave, she blew a final kiss to Eva, who happily tried to catch it with her tiny hands.

This was kind of cute.

I looked at the hair stand in my hand

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I looked at the hair stand in my hand.

I got it.

A wicked grin crept across my face as I pulled out a Ziplock packet from my bag. Swiftly, I placed the strand of hair inside.

I sauntered over to Nico, "Well, well, look what I've got," I teased, dangling the Ziplock in front of him like a trophy.

He raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "You never fail me, Maanya," he remarked.

He handed me a packet, and I raised an eyebrow, questioning. "What's this?"

Nico leaned back in his chair, a smirk playing on his lips. "That is my hair strand. Be a darling and take it to the lab for analysis."

I couldn't help but chuckle, my amusement evident. Without missing a beat, I tossed Eva's packet onto his desk. "I'm not your little bitch, Nico. Do it yourself," I retorted, leaving him surprised.



How did you like the new character?

The new character that I just introduced, Maanya, In real life she's my bestie and I love her so much which is why I decided to add her as a character. (Nah, she was just annoying me saying she needed to in my story)

Kidding, I love you bestie



Next chapter is smutttt


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