Chapter 19 - Torture

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Nico was a mean teacher

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Nico was a mean teacher.

"Come on, you can go harder than that," he taunted and I flipped him off.

"Wait," I gasped, panting heavily. I bent down, hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath. "I can't..."I almost wheezed.

Nico stood there, not a drop of sweat on him. I shot him a glare. 

How much stamina does this guy have?

Nico taunted, "Is that all you got? You know, for that bark, there isn't much bite."

Without a word, I sprung up, landing a punch square in his jaw. He staggered back, momentarily shocked, but there was a glint of pride in his eyes.

"Now, that's what I'm talking about," he grins. rubbing his jaw. 

She collapsed on the mat, dramatic as ever, "Goddammit," I said, rubbing my hand. 

Fuck, what was he made of? Rocks?

"Oh, my poor hand," I groaned, exaggerating every move as I nursed my sore hand.

He sighed, leaning against the wall. "You done with your awesome act, Lilith?"

I shot him a glare, "Can't you have some mercy on a poor girl? Look at my hand, it's probably broken!"

He raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "Get up, or I'll do it for you, and you won't like how I do it."

Grumbling, I got up. What did I get myself into?


After an eternity of torture- I'm sure it wasn't an eternity but it sure as fuck felt like it- Nico finally decided I'd suffered enough. My muscles were protesting every move, and I was sure I'd be feeling this for the next week. As I stumbled away, I called out to him over my shoulder.

"You're a sadistic bastard, Nico," I muttered.

He just chuckled, totally unapologetic. "I never said I wasn't."

As I hobbled down the dim hallway, all I could think about was getting into a nice, warm bath, with bubbles, There had to be bubbles. 

Bubbles were my new best friends, or at least that's what my bruised body was saying.

"Seriously though, Nico, what's your deal? Torturing people for fun?" I said, half-annoyed and half-exhausted.

He strolled behind me, still grinning like he'd just won some twisted game. "Well, darling, consider it a unique form of therapy. Builds character."

I rolled my eyes, even though he couldn't see it. "I think I've built enough character for a lifetime in the past hour. I just want a bath. A hot one. With bubbles."

Nico gasped dramatically, mocking surprise. "Bubbles? You mean like a little kid? Next, you'll be asking for a rubber ducky."

I shot him a glare. "You know what, Nico? I'd take a whole army of rubber duckies if it means I can relax in peace."

I practically sprinted toward my room, eager to get in the bathtub. Nico caught up, still grinning, He held the door open like a true gentleman, "Sure thing, darling. Enjoy your bubbles and rubber duckies."

I rolled my eyes again, but this time, there was a small smile on my face.


I had tied my hair up, my mind fully invested in the idea of a cozy bed and having to rest on a comfy bed when, Out of nowhere, a hand clamped over my mouth, I tried to twist around, but whoever it was held me firm. Panic set in my bones.

My eyes widened with realization, when I caught a whiff of a familiar, unsettling scent.


I tried to struggle, but the drowsiness hit me like a ton of bricks. My vision blurred, and the room seemed to spin.

"Sweet dreams," the voice taunted, and the last thing I saw before everything went black, I saw a hint of Nico's cruel smirk.

What the actual fuck?


Who all missed moi cliffhangers?

What game is Nico playing now? Or is it really him? Maybe...Maybe not. Who knows *shrugs*

My brain is fried cuz I also got an exam tom...

Oki...I have to go sleep.......Bieeeeeeeeeeee <3



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