We Meet Again

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Nana's POV

After a few hours had passed, the UA students and the pro heroes succeded at capturing most of the League Of Villain's and Shigaraki.

I was currently on my way to the infamous prison facility named Tartarus in hopes of talking to Tomura.

Deep down inside, I was still afraid that Tenko had not been saved and that he was still Tomura Shigaraki, however...

I had to trust in Y/N and trust that he saved him.

Once I made it to Tartarus I booked a visit and headed straight for Shigaraki's prison cell.

After I did this, he immediately took notice of me and looked back at me with a sorrowful expression on his face before I hesitantly greeted him.

Nana : Hello Tenko, we meet again, it's been a while since you and me have had a civil conversation...

Shigaraki or Tenko, I couldn't tell who was in control at the moment which made our conversation all the more complicated and awkward.

I noticed him hang his head down before he finally responded to my statement in a low voice.

Shigaraki: Just answer this one question, why did you abandon me? I've heard Y/N tell me this countless times but I want to hear it from you.

I was not expecting him to start off our conversation with a question like that.

Nana : Because I wanted to protect you...after your father died at the hands of All For One, I didn't want you and Hana to suffer the same fate for being related to me so I... So I abandoned you.

It hurted me so much by just saying this but I had to.

Nana : But I regret it with all my heart, I should've never abandoned you Tenko, you deserve better than that.

Shigaraki: All I ever wanted you to do was to treat me like the way you treat him, the way you treat Y/N.

I sighed as tears began to form in my eyes.

Nana : Tenko, Y/N means the universe to me, but you mean the universe to me too, that's why I'm here today.

Tears began to fall from Tenko's eyes before he lifted his head and finally looked back up at me.

Tenko : Thank you, Nana.

Nana : No thanks needed, in fact I should be thanking you for giving me a second chance to prove myself.

Thanks alot Y/N, you've done so much in my life ever since I met you.

After we genuinely talked to each other and after I caught Tenko up to my life, there was one more question that I needed to ask.

Nana : Tenko, I hate to ruin the moment and ask this, but do you remember what All For One's plans are.

Tenko nodded before responding to my question as his smile disappeared from his face.

Tenko : A while ago, All For One and Garaki discovered a burnt up meteor that landed on Earth, however this wasn't an ordinary meteor.

Nana : Then what was it?

Tenko: The meteor could grant anyone quirks.

Tenko's statement shook me to my core, how horrifying is it that All For One has his hands on this.

Tenko: So All For One figured that if it could grant quirks, it could take them too and on a mass scale.

Nana : What are you getting at Tenko?

Tenko: All For One plans to use that meteor to steal the quirks of everyone in the world for himself.

Wait What!? Did I even hear right, this was bad--no this was horrific.

Nana : Do you have any idea of when he plans to do this.

Tenko grunted in anger before blaming himself.

Tenko : How was I so stupid to help a mad man like him!!

Nana : Tenko, it's alright, but when does he plan on doing this.

Tenko : Brace yourself... 2 days from now.

I needed to get to the Pro's and UA students to warn them about this.

If All For One literally had all the quirks in the world he would be unstoppable but we only had 2 days to prepare for this.

Only 2 days to prepare for our Final Stand against the evil that is All For One.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now