Y/N vs Todoroki

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Me and Shoto stepped on the battle platform ready to begin our match.

Earlier on Shoto seemed sad, even though we were competing against each other I wanted to help him.

Midnight: Let the match commence!

Shoto immediately used his quirk to send a barricade of ice in my direction in an attempt to push me of the battle platform but I used my air pressure attacks to break it, clearing a path between me and him.

Shoto sent more and more of his ice attacks towards me and I used my air pressure attacks to stop them over and over again which eventually bruised my fingers.

Shoto : You know you can't keep playing defense for long, besides I told you not to hold back Y/N.

I knew what Shoto had just said was true ,I had to get serious.

Y/N : Shoto, but you're holding back too.

Shoto frowned at my statement.

Shoto : I already told you, I don't need Endeavor's quirk to succeed in my hero career--


Shoto's eyes widened with shock after what I said.

Y/N : Endeavor may have used his quirk to become who he is today but that doesn't mean you have to become the same person he did! Use that fire quirk to become your own person...to become someone better than Endeavor!!

Shoto seemed to be lost in his own thoughts before replying.

Shoto : become someone better than Endeavor huh... I can do that without using his fire quirk

Shoto then used his right arm to send a icy blast in my direction which I countered by punching it with the power of One For All.

Y/N : You can't ignore your fire quirk forever, whether you like it or not, it's part of who you are.

Shoto : You don't get to to tell me who I am!

Shoto then sent another ice attack which I blocked with one of my kicks.

Y/N : You're right, I don't get to decide who you are, you do, you get to decide whether or not you'll use your fire quirk for good or to ignore it and only use half your potential.

Shoto launched an ice attack in my direction which actually managed to hit me, sending me backwards.

Shoto : Stop trying to change my mind!!

I slowly got up on my feet as I grunted in pain.

Y/N : You can change the world with both your ice and fire quirk, DON'T LET ENDEAVOR  PREVENT YOU FROM BECOMING A GREAT HERO!!!

Shoto seemed lost in his thoughts once again for a minute or so before sighing and sending a fiery blast in my direction which managed to send me a few inches back.

I smirked as I realized that Shoto was finally using his fire quirk.

Shoto : Y/N, let's give this match our all without holding back.

I nodded as I charged towards him with the speed of One For All and punched him in the gut sending him tumbling backwards.

Shoto got up and hit me with an ice attack before sending me back with a powerful blast of fire.

I only managed to block it with my right hand before I noticed Shoto charging up his right arm with blazing flames.

I then began to charge up my arm with the power of One For All ready to end this match.

Shoto : Lets end this Y/N.

We both began charging towards each other with the both of us determined to win.

I had to win this battle to show the world that the next symbol of peace is rising and to make Nana proud.

Shoto sent his most powerful fire blast yet as I launched my fist at it with the immense power of One For All.

The collision of both these two attacks caused a huge explosion followed by a blinding light.

When the dust settled, Midnight raised her right hand while holding a flag, ready to announce the winner.

Midnight: The winner is....Shoto Todoroki!!

As Midnight announced this I realized that I was now standing off the battle platform.

It had seemed that after Shoto sent that powerful fiery blast to draw my attention he used his ice quirk to bash me off the battle platform.

This match really was something else.

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