Rescue Exercise

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A day after the quirk training exercise class 1A would already be going to another training ground to do even more exercises.

Aizawa : Today we'll be going to USJ to practice your rescue skills and your ability to save hostages with efficiency.

I'll be honest with myself, I was excited for this because I might get a chance to redeem myself at USJ for what happened at the quirk training exercise.

Aizawa : Unfortunately, today The Mighty Heroine won't be joining us due to her busy work as Japan's No. 1

The whole class began to groan and sigh after hearing this.

I'll admit I was looking forward to seeing her today so I was disappointed that she wouldn't be coming with us.

Aizawa : But you will be accompanied with another pro hero besides me and she is Thirteen.

Thirteen walked into the classroom excited.

Thirteen: I can't wait to teach you guys some new rescue tips and skills.

After that it wasn't long before we got on the bus that took us to the USJ training grounds.

The moment we entered I was shocked at how huge it looked from the inside.

Thirteen : Welcome to USJ

Right then and there at that moment a purple and black aura appeared far ahead of us.

Y/N : What the hell is that

I say as I point out to the purple and black aura which now generates yellow glowing eyes as an army of what seems to be low level thugs and villains walk through it.

So was the aura alive and a portal.

Aizawa : Thirteen, I don't remember this being part of the training exercise.

Thirteen looked back at Aizawa

Thirteen : Because it isn't.

Aizawa's eyes widened with shock momentarily.

Aizawa : Everybody exit the USJ building now!!!

Class 1A and I tried doing what Aizawa instructed us to do but all the exits and entrances were locked shut.

Y/N : The entrances and exits are all locked!!

Aizawa : Damnit, everyone just stay back!!

I began to notice that after the last batch of villains walked through the portal, a man, no a boy my age with white hair stepped out of the portal along with a huge weird looking creature with it's brain on display.

It seemed that the boy had some kind of grey synthetic hand gripping the front of his face, hiding his true face from us.

The boy began to laugh maniacally.

Boy : Now that we've arrived where the hell are you Might Heroine!!!!

The purple portal seemed to reduce it's size before telling the boy that The Mighty Heroine seemed to be absent which upset him.

So the portal was a person, probably with a transportation quirk.

Boy : Well then I'd loved to see the look on Nana Shimura's face when she finds out that her students and fellow teachers were killed by us.

As soon as I heard that I got shivers down my spine.

Immediately after, Aizawa leaped into action fighting off the low level thugs and villains.

However against Thirteen's orders the rest of Class 1A sprinted to Aizawa's aid, helping him take down the army of villains.

While I was left standing, thinking of what to do, if I use One For All now I'll just damage my body and be of no use so what should I do.

Then I thought to myself, I'll just use air pressure to fend of the army of villains and just maybe fight off against the white haired boy.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now