Beginning Of The End

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Exactly two weeks had passed and today was the day me, the UA students and the other pro heroes made our next move on the League Of Villain's.

Since we knew about Shigaraki's location we were able to plan out our attack and I was positive this would be a successful plan.

It only took a few hours to get from UA to our destination which was a mansion in a desolate part of the city.

Immediately after we landed safely, we were bombarded with members from the League Of Villain's who seemed prepared for our arrival.

I would not fail this mission, Nana's counting on me to save Tenko.

Today this mission had to be a success, there was too much at stake to lose.

The UA students and the pro heroes began to fight off against the villain's as I stood there unfazed.

I had to find Shigaraki while the others handle the League Of Villain's.

Just as I motioned to leave, a  villain I recognized to be Re-Destro blocked my pathway.

Re-Destro: Where do you think you're going.

I sighed before responding to the villain coldly.

Y/N : Get out of my way now

After my statement, Re-Destro still stood there seeming like he was ready to fight.

Re-Destro: I won't let you ruin his plans, he will bring about true freedom.

It disgusted me once I realized who Re-Destro was talking about.

Y/N : The only thing Shigaraki will bring about is complete destruction.

Re-Destro charged at me and swung his fist in my direction but I blocked the attack with ease.

Re-Destro: Well then, so it is true, you really are powerful.

I hit Re-Destro with a powerful air pressure attack before landing two mighty blows on his chest which sent him staggering back.

Y/N : Last chance, get out of my way.

Re-Destro: I already told you---

Before Re-Destro could finish his sentence I jabbed him twice, landed a powerful kick on his jaw and sent him flying with an uppercut.

My attacks took a huge toll on him and caused him to nearly collapse on the ground.

Y/N : What's wrong Re-Destro, are you done already, I didn't even get to use 20% of my power.

Re-Destro: Damn you Y/N L/N.

Just after what Re-Destro had said, Gigantomachia came rushing into the battlefield, crushing the ground beneath his feet as he did so.

Gigantomachia: MUST DESTROY Y/N L/N!!

Damnit, he could potentially stop me from getting to Shigaraki.

Gigantomachia tried punching me with his gigantic fist but I leaped high into the air and sent a powerful air pressure attack that was able to do some damage.

I didn't give him a chance to recover and used one of my other quirks called smokescreen to emit purple smoke from my body which covered the battlefield.

During my time of training, I learnt to use some of the quirks of the previous holders of One For All with the help of Nana.

Turns out that they're very handy in combat.

I knew that my fight with Gigantomachia would delay me from finding Shigaraki so I had to end this battle quickly.

Soon, I began to land powerful blows on Gigantomachia from all sorts of directions and thanks to my smokescreen he wouldn't be able to see me or predict my moves.

Next, I used 50% of my power to land a powerful jab on Gigantomachia which knocked him out instantly.

However once the smoke from my smokescreen cleared, none other than Tomura Shigaraki stood before me.

Shigaraki: Well, Well, we meet again Y/N L/N.

I glared at Shigaraki intensely as One For All coursed through my veins causing (f/c) lightning to circulate my body.

Shigaraki: So what do you say, let's have a rematch.

I was ready to fight Shigaraki but little did I know that this fight would be the beginning of the end.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum