Attack On UA

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Today Class 1A would be facing off against Class 1B on the UA training grounds.

For safety reasons the UA building had now been modified to float and roam high above the air so that we wouldn't have a fixed location for someone to track.

Multiple students from Class 1A had little reunions with people from Class 1B.

Everyone including Bakugo was socializing with someone else.

However I could only think about Nana and how her mission went.

Honestly even though I longed to feel Nana's warm embrace and her presence again, I was still worried about her.

Come on, I shouldn't be worrying about Japan's No.1 hero, she can take care of herself.

Suddenly and unexpectedly I felt a jolt of energy pulse through my body as (f/c) lightning circulated around me.

What the hell was going on and what was that unnerving feeling I just felt.

Right at that moment a couple of UA facilities began to collapse from afar in what seemed to be a chain reaction.

Aizawa: Everyone get back right now!!

Once the dust cleared it revealed the source of all the destruction.

None other than Tomura Shigaraki stood amidst the chaos, laughing menacingly.

He was different.

Just then what seemed to be an army of villain's arrived and headed towards Class 1A and 1B.

What the hell just happened, was this another villain attack.

Aizawa: Damnit! This can't be happening again!!

Both classes charged forwards with little hesitation and began battling it out with the villain's who had just arrived.

It was impressive that even though the classes were outnumbered, they still managed to hold their ground in this fight.

I noticed a trail of ice as Shoto stood before me.

Shoto : Y/N, I don't know what's going on or why there's a villain attack targeting UA once again but I definitely know that Shigaraki is the leader in all of this.

I nodded at Shoto's statement in agreement.

Y/N : So do you have any ideas.

Shoto : I can clear a pathway for you to get to him, if anyone can take Shigaraki on then it would be you.

Aizawa appeared before us and intruded into the conversation.

Aizawa: That would be too dangerous of you.

Y/N : Mr Aizawa, I need to do this, this might be our only chance plus with your erasure quirk I might actually stand a chance at beating him.

It took some time, but eventually Aizawa reluctantly agreed and we both moved forward towards Shigaraki thanks to Shoto clearing a path for us.

Aizawa immediately began to use his erasure quirk as soon as I stood infront of Shigaraki.

Shigaraki: Well well, if it isn't Y/N L/N himself, have you come here to die.

Okay, something was definitely different about Shigaraki, his costume and physical build for starters.

Y/N : I came here to stop you!

Shigaraki laughed menacingly once again.

I then began to notice that before he sounded child like but now he had the menacing laugh of a man.

Shigaraki: Even with the help of Aizawa, you're still going to die.

Somehow even though Aizawa's erasure quirk was at use, Shigaraki managed to charge at me with incredible speed and slammed me into the ground with super strength.

Aizawa: How the hell are you still able to do that!!

Shigaraki just smiled deviously as he began to choke me as I lay on the ground.

Y/N : If this isn't a quirk then what is this, a mutation

Shigaraki: You're precisely right.

I sent Shigaraki a few meters away from me thanks to one of my air pressure attacks.

Y/N : I'll still find a way to defeat you.

Shigaraki: I wonder how Nana would look when she finds out that her nephew killed her successor, that is if she lives to see another day.

What Shigaraki said sent shivers down my spine.


Shigaraki: While me and the rest of the villain's handle an unprotected UA, our high-end Nomu's will be taking care of your dear Nana and the rest of the pro's.

I scowled at what Shigaraki had just said.

Shigaraki: Well then, now it's time for you to die!

Things had escalated so quickly in a matter of minutes. This day was already proving to be eventful.

Nana, I hope you're doing just fine.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt