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Two days had passed since the Hero Killer Stain incident and me, Iida and Shoto returned to UA where we would be heading to camp today.

After our fight with Stain, the three of us had actually become good friends.

As I entered the Class 1A classroom, all I could think about was my newly developed romantic feelings for Nana.

How would she react if she found out about this, would she regret making me her successor.

All these thoughts clouded my mind before Aizawa walked in and announced that the bus was ready to take us to camp which was a place that only the UA teachers knew about for safety reasons.

Unfortunately, Nana wouldn't be joining us for camp because of her hero duties as Japan's No. 1 which really saddened me.

When we finally reached the campsite we were introduced to The Wild Wild Pussycats who would be supervising us along with Aizawa and the Class 1B teacher Vlad.

That day we all did some difficult training exercises that pushed us to our limits, but after that we all had to make ourselves lunch and dinner which was really not bad.

But I couldn't help notice a young boy who always stuck around the Wild Wild Pussycats for some reason.

Mandalay of The Wild Wild Pussycats thought it was a good idea to introduce ourselves to the boy who she told us was Kota, and I was first to try.

Y/N : Hey Kota, my name's Y/N L/N and I'm gonna become the world's greatest hero.

Kota : Just shut up, You're all crazy calling yourselves "heroes" and "villains" and going around killing each other like idiots, talking about quirks all the time just to show off!

Kota then walked towards me and kicked my groin causing me to groan in pain before he ran away.

Well that was rude.

Immediately after, Mandalay helped me on my feet.

Mandalay: I'm so sorry about that, I knew he disliked heroes but I didn't expect him--

Y/N : Its okay, I understand.

Mandalay: I'm sorry, I just thought that Kota meeting you guys would change his opinion about heroes.

Y/N : Why does he hate heroes by the way.

A saddened expression appeared on Mandalay's face before she responded.

Mandalay: His parents were pro heroes called the Water Hose heroes who died protecting civilians.

Damn, I remember watching that on TV a few years back.

Mandalay: The public praised the Water Hose heroes for their heroic deaths however Kota developed a cynical and Jade view of pro heroes after that day.

Y/N : I'm sorry to hear that, I remember watching that scene on TV when I was younger.

Mandalay: Its alright, by the way, did you see where Kota ran off to, it's getting dark.

Y/N : I saw him head into the direction of the hills, I could search for him if you like.

Mandalay smiled at me before replying.

Mandalay: Thank you.

After that I headed off into the hills and soon I found Kota but noticed a bulky and hooded figure standing Infront of him.

Y/N : Uh, Kota, who is this, is it another pro hero.

Just then I heard an explosion come from the campsite below before noticing blue flames spread like wildfire in the area.

What the hell was going on back at the campsite.

The tall and bulky hooded figure removed his black cloak before speaking.

??? : Well if it isn't Y/N L/N, me and the other villain's came here to find and abduct you, guessing today's my luck day.

Who the hell was this man, how did he know my name and what did he mean by him and the other villain's came here to find and abduct me.

My eyes widened with shock at the realization of who was standing Infront of me and Kota.

He is the infamous villain Muscular and the person who murdered the Water Hose heroes.

He began staring at me and Kota with a crazed smile on his face.

Muscular: Are you ready to die!!

At that moment I could hear Mandalay's voice telepathically due to her quirk.

Mandalay: All UA students and teachers a villain attack is currently under way, take shelter of you can!

Damn, another villain attack, first USJ and now this.

Tonight was proving to be eventful.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum