A Worthy Hero

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A week had passed since Nana's battle with All For One in Kamino ward and UA had now implemented a dormitory system for the safety of all students.

Nana had tried her very best to convince my stubborn parents to let me stay at UA and even stated she would lay down her life to save mine which really surprised me.

This finally managed to convince my parents and thankfully I would be staying at UA.

Although I did notice something different about Nana these days, her smiled just seemed so fake.

Today I needed to go talk to her and luckily found her at the empty and desolate city beach.

She was dressed in casual attire and seemed beautiful as always, although she did have a look of sadness on her face before she looked up to notice me and immediately tried to hide it.

Nana : Oh Y/N, it's good to see you, what are you doing here.

Y/N : Hey Nana, I just wanted to talk to you about something and knew I would find you here.

Nana : Sure, what is it.

I looked at Nana nervously before responding.

Y/N : These past few days, you seem off, something about you is different, I can see the sadness on your face that you try to desperately hide.

Nana tried smiling at me to try and change my mind but it didn't work.

Nana : Don't worry about me, I'm okay.

I rushed to Nana and embraced her in a tight hug, I could tell she needed it.

Y/N : Nana...it's okay, you can tell me anything.

Nana immediately began to sob as she held me tightly.

Nana : Remember my nephew I told you about named Tenko.

Memories came back to me as I instantly remember the story Nana told me about her brothers children.

Y/N : Of course I do.

Nana : Its Tenko Y/N, he's Tomura Shigaraki.

My eyes widened with shock. How could this be possible.

Y/N : But that doesn't make sense, how would that even be possible.

Nana looked at me with pure sorrow in her eyes.

Nana : I did some research and I found out that the orphanage that I abandoned Tenko and Hana at was destroyed a year later with details that matched Shigaraki's decay quirk and the only survivor was Tenko.

My eyes widened once more.

Does that mean Hana...

Y/N : Nana I'm so sorry.

Nana : Its not your fault Y/N, it's mine, it's all my fault.

Nana then fell to her knees which  instantly caused my heart to shatter into pieces as I realized that this was a stark contrast to the strong and positive Mighty Heroine everyone knew.

Nana : I'm not even worthy of calling myself a hero.

I frowned at what Nana said.

Y/N : Nana, don't blame yourself, you did what you needed to do to protect Tenko and Hana, you are a true hero.

Nana shook her head in disbelief.

Nana : I nearly failed to stop All For One, I involved you in all this danger and I cost Gran Torino his hero career after the punch he received from me during the fight on Kamino.

Y/N : Nana, after all you've been through, you're still here with me right now which proves to me that you're stronger than you think and you haven't given up yet.

I placed my hands on her shoulders before continuing.

Y/N : And true heroes never give up.

After what I said Nana began sobbing uncontrollably as I held her tight while she lay on my chest as the two of us sat on the beach.

How much of this emotional weight had she been carrying all on her own with a smile on her face.

I looked at Nana as I smiled at her reassuringly as I remembered what Nana had said to me after the Quirk training exercise when I felt down.

Y/N L/N, you are my worthy successor.

Y/N : Nana Shimura, you are my worthy hero.

Nana smiled and looked up at me with tears still present I'm her eyes.

Nana : I don't deserve you Y/N.

I chuckled at what she had stated.

Y/N : I think it's the other way around.

After that day me and Nana had grown closer to each other and my romantic feelings for her developed even more.

Another week had passed and I was on my way to Nana's personal gym to tell her the news of my passing in the Heroes Licensing Exam which I had taken not long ago.

Nana was filled with excitement once I told her about this and congratulated me like there was no tomorrow.

Nana : Y/N, you've made me proud once again.

I blushed before giving my response.

Y/N : Thanks alot Nana.

Nana : Y/N, there's something I need to ask of you.

Y/N : Sure what is it.

Nana : Now that the school holidays have arrived how about you come on a trip with me to Nabu Island.

Me and Nana on a trip together, that sounded like paradise.

My Hero Shimura ( Nana Shimura x Male Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن