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I did NOT build the house

Y/n's POV

I heard yelling, and Tommy saying he wanted to join L'manburg again. Why? He knew me, Dream, and Techno wanted to destroy it. "Techno" Dream spoke up. He held wither skeleton skulls. "I like where this is going" He smirked. "Y/n~" I looked over at the masked man. "Care to join" "W--what?! Y/n please don't" Tubbo begged. "Sorry Dream" I spoke "oh thank XD-" "You have to give me something to join" Tubbo looked horrified. "Fine, fine" "YEAH LETS GO Y/N" Techno shouted. "Sorry Tubbo" I said with zero emotion. "Įþß þįmə fœř X þø jøįň" Ranboo looked at me. He knew what I said.

"So Y/n. What's under your mask? You never wore it before" Techno asked. "Hm? Oh yeah" I took off my mask. Exposing my face and eye.

Dream's POV

She lifted off her mask to reveal something I never wanted to see. Not again. Corruption from X. Anyone could tell which God did it, The God of Darkness. Her eye a blood red, while the other baby blue. Skin around it and all down her face a pitch black. "How much did it spread?" I asked. Techno looked shocked. She rolled up her sleeves to show her arms. The corruption in big patches on her skin. "Pretty much everywhere" she said. No emotion. This wasn't Y/n anyone could see that. This was the God themself. But I could use this to my advantage.

Y/n's POV

I walked over to the land. Staring. This once beautiful land. No war, only peace. The country it started out to be. L'manburg. "Do you want some blue" I turned to see Ghostbur. "Uhm sure" he handed it to me. The usual feeling never came. I looked at the item I held. It wasn't blue, a pitch black. "Hm? That's weird it's usually blue" shit what is going on? Darkness darling. What are you talking about? You didn't think there wouldn't be any consequences did you? Sorry but there is, you'll be dead soon. "Y/n? Y/n!" I snapped out of it. X is lying. "Sorry I need to go" I walked off. Not giving him time to say anything.

I knew that Tubbo most likely hated me. Who wouldn't? I got mad again and burnt down another home. ''Y/n what are you doing" I didn't respond to him, how could I? He wasn't going to leave. "Y/n I understand you're mad. You burn things when upset" I glared at the man. His eyes softened seeing me. "Tell me what's wrong y/n-" "L'MANBURG IS SUPPOSED TO BE GONE PHIL" He looked taken aback. "I--it should've been gone, Wilbur tried to end this place. I-I just can't handle it" "Y/n it's alright, L'manburg is already falling apart, and I hate to say it but.........you are to" he hesitated. "What? N--no I'm not. I'm fine" he shook his head. "You and I both now you're slowly dieing from this, the thing that is controlling you may give you power but it is killing you" he was right. "There's nothing anyone can do anymore" I nodded. "I'm sorry''

I build a house hoping it wouldn't burn down

I knew I didn't have long left, so I wrote a note just in case

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I knew I didn't have long left, so I wrote a note just in case. Hiding it and leaving some clues to where it is. I heard loud knocks on my door. I walked over, and opened it. "Yes?" I saw Tommy and Tubbo. "Hey uhm can we talk? I--it will only be a couple minutes-" "Yeah come in" they both looked shocked, but still came in. We sat down in the living room. "What is it" "Uhm we know we're enemies and all, but..........we still wanted to talk to you and shit" Tommy said slowly. "Not the other you" Tubbo added. I thought for a minute. "I-" "Y/N" Dream knocked on my door. "HIDE" I whispered yelled at the two boys. They ran off and hid. I walked over to the door. "Yeah?" "We need some TNT" he said. "Sure thing" I walked back inside and grabbed some TNT. "Here you go-" he walked off. "Rude much" the two boys came back out. "As I was saying I can't promise I won't hurt you or it won't hurt you, but I can try" they smiled. "That's better then nothing" Tubbo sighed happily. "LETSS GOOOOOOOOOO" The blonde haired boy yelled out. "Oh my god"

"So y/n we were thinking to blow up L'manburg in a month or so what do you think?" The other mask stared at me. A smirk made it's way on my face. "Of course. Why wouldn't I agree?" Techno smiled. "That's what I told him" Dream chuckled a bit. "So then, in about a month L'manburg goes boom''

Words 820!
If it socks oh well making this at 12am soooooooooo yeah :]


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