¤《Sįđes Chaņge》¤

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"Y/n you're just as bad as Eret!" Tubbo yelled at me. "What did they even do-" "THEY BETRAYED US, THEY TRIED TO KILL US" Tommy screeched. "W-what?!" So the voices were right great. "Okay so?" Dream laughed. "Dream-" "come on y/n it's not that big of a deal" I starred at him in shock. 'Sure I might have joined his side but this? Hell no' "It is a big deal what the hell is wrong with you-" "y/n you're on our side! You betrayed them" he told me. "Y/n as much as he's right, he's trying to manipulate you" Fundy warned me. "What is it with people and trying to manipulate meee-" "y/n you need to choose us or L'manchildburg" Dream told me. "Uhm I-" I didn't know what to do. "L'manburg?" I somewhat answered. "HELL YEAH, TAKE THAT GREEN BITCH" Tommy screamed. "Okay but remember that you can always go to our side" then they walked off. "I knew you'd pick us over that green bitch" Tommy said confidently. "Yeah!" Tubbo agreed. I smiled at them. 'I wish we could just find peace and keep it'

"Here kitty" I had just found a stray kitten outside L'manburg.

(Full black cat with blue eyes)

The kitten walked over to me. "Aww hi kitty, where do you live" I noticed a note attached to the kitty's neck.

To whoever reads this~
Hello this is my kitten Shade. When writing this note my life was being hunted. I am not able to care for Shade at the moment in fear of her getting hurt or even worse. If she is alone please look around for her sister Jupiter. They are inseparable, unless one has died. Please if not found don't worry, she is most likely with me in the afterlife.

With Thanks
£vą Ž

"Oh you poor thing" I picked the kitten up and looked around, and sure enough. I found her sister.

(Orange tabby with white strips)

Once I had both I walked over to Tubbo and Tommy. "Uhm hey guys I found two strays" they looked at the kittens. "Aww wait do you have a house" Tubbo asked me. "Negitive" I answered. "Hmmm oh! Me and Tommy could watch the while you build" "oh that'd be great" I thanked him and went to get supplies. "Oh hey y/n where's L'manburg?" Ranboo asked. "Over to the- uhm that way" I laughed since I can't tell my left from right (dis me IRL) "Okay thank you". I built for a while before hearing yelling. "What the-" I ran over to see Fundy holding the kittens, and Tubbo yelling at Tommy. "TOMMY WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING" he screeched. "IT WAS AN ACCIDENT". "YOU BURNT DOWN GEORGES HOUSE" "What the fuck?" They turned to see me. I felt self conscious because I had messy hair. Ash and bits of coal on my clothes and face, and short sleeves and no gloves so you could see the corruption. "Tommy burnt down George's house" Tubbo sighed. "I DIDNT MEAN TO I SWEAR" "that doesn't matter, what matters is what Dream's gonna do" I looked at the boy. "And knowing him, it's not gonna be good" he nodded. "Look let's just forget this happened and when the meeting happens we'll worry" they all agreed. "Hey y/n do you need help on your house?" Fundy asked. "Oh yeah" he laughed at me. "So what's it gonna look like" he asked as we began. "Like the last one I made. I showed him the sketch of he. "Okay let's get this thing started.

We worked for weeks. A lot longer then last time, but it looked identical to it. "Come on Jupiter and Shade" I called to the kittens. "Are you just gonna have random animals in your home?" Fundy laughed. "Yup and the next one is gonna be a fox" I smirked at him. "W-WHAT" He screeched. "Yup and I'm gonna name him...............Fun" he started laughing. "I will, mark my words, one day I will get a fox" I started laughing as well. "Oh hey y/n" Bad called to me. "Hey bad" Fundy was still dieing on the floor. "Uhm is he okay?" "Yeah I just told him I was gonna get a fox and name it Fun" I sighed at the fox man. "Furry" he looked at me. Then started trying to kill me. "FUNDY NOOOOO" Bad screamed trying to stop him. "I SWEAR IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU" He yelled chasing me.

Words 756!

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