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I walked for a while. Soon reaching L'manburg. "Hey Tub-" "where were you?" He asked, his voice sounded scared. I looked to see Dream. "Visiting Techno and Phil" I wasn't lying, but wasn't telling the full truth. "I know you're lying" "What? I'm not you can ask Phil yourself" I was so confused. It was showing on my face. He looked at me, something broke inside him. "Sorry" Dream looked mad. He walked off. "What did Dream tell you-" "HE SAID YOU WERE ON HIS SIDE" He cried. "Tubs I wouldn't go on his side, not again" he nodded. "I was talking to Techno and Phil" "i-im sorry" he apologized. "Its fine"

"Y/N" I couldn't get a moment of peace. "Yeah Fundy?" I then saw X. "Who the fuck is this?" "That's X" he stared at me. "She's a friend of mine"
Good call idiot
I glared at her. "Yup, I should get going" she then ran off. I also walked off, but I heard from Quackity. "We need to keep an eye on her" that made my blood boil. They could trust me.

"Ughhhh" I was getting so bored. Maybe I should visit Bad?


"Coming!" I walked over to the door. I opened it to see Quackity, Fundy, Tubbo, and a rather mad Niki. "Yeah? What do you need?" "Cut the bullshit" Quackity yelled at me. "Wat" I was confused once again. "You keep disappearing" Tubbo said quietly. "Yeah to get animals-" "Yeah yeah yeah. Why were you out yesterday" Fundy asked me. "Guys! She's not a traitor" they ignored Niki. "Yesterday? Oh I was talking to Phil and Techno-" "LIER" Fundy shouted at me. "ASK THEM YOURSELF" I was getting fed up with no one believing me. "JUST TELL THE TRUTH YOU TRAITOR" "I WAS MAKING A BASE" They looked shocked. "I WAS MAKING A FUCKING BASE, YOU HAPPY" "I didn't say anything because I wanted to make it in private" they looked guilty. "That can't be true-" "it is" came Phil's voice. "Tried telling you guys" Niki scoffed. "Y/n we're so sorry-" "fuck off. You can't just blame me for things I didn't even do! You guys never listen to me or Niki, and Tubbo I told you what I did!" I was fuming. "Just leave" all except for Niki left. "I'm sorry y/n" "it's not your fault" she smiled. "Wanna make some cakes?" "Hell yah!"

I was walking back to my house after baking with Niki. "Hey uhm y/n" I looked over to see Fundy. "What" "uhm I wanted to apologize, I didn't know what was going on. Quackity said that you were sneaking off" he apologized. "Its fine, just maybe don't trust Quackity if he says things like that?" "Yeah, I'll see you later" I waved goodbye. As I was closer to my house. I saw smoke. "What the hell?" I raced over to my house, only to see it ablaze. I screamed, and raced to get my pets inside.

Fundy's POV

I was walking back to Tubbo when I heard her scream. Tubbo was talking to Quackity, they both heard it. "Waht the-" "Y/N" That's when I saw the smoke. We all ran to her house. Niki saw us running and followed a few others followed as well. Once near her home, my heart dropped. Her home was on fire. "Where is she?!" Niki cried. "SHES INSIDE" I shouted for her to yet out, but she either couldn't or wasn't going to. "Y/N" Tubbo raced inside. "TUBBO" It was no use. People were crying already in fear. Then her animals ran out. Some were burnt, but not to bad. Others had ash on them. I saw both of them coming out. "SOMEONE GO GET THE MED KIT!" I yelled. Phil ran off to get it. "My house" "Y/N AREYOU ALRIGHT" Niki raced over to her. "Yeah-" "no you're not, you're burned" Tubbo sighed. "Who did this?" "Someone who doesn't want her here" Ranboo said sadly. "They must of either thought that she was inside or they were going to kill her pets" it was the sad truth. "But who? We all know non of us did'' Quackity said. "Not sure" Sam sighed. "If I had to guess, one of the Dream Team members" "Yeah most likely" then I heard some movement coming from the tree line. Bad stepping out from it. "I heard screaming-" he saw the house. "Oh my goodness, is everyone alright" he was acting really weird. Sam picked up on this as well. "Sort of" Tubbk answered. I gave him a look to signal him. He understood. "Oh good, who even did this" he was oddly calm. "Not sure" Quackity said. He looked mad at him, Quackity most likely knew what was going on. Phil was tending to the twins. Niki helping. Ranboo trying to help the animals. I watched as Bad looked disappointed at the flames. I heard him mutter. "I thought something would have died" only me and Sam could hear him. Sam looked pissed. He calmed down, Puffy was coming over as well. She and y/n had yet to meet. She saw what was going on. She looked mad at Bad. Rightfully so. "You can stay with me" Ranboo offered. "If that's okay" she answered. "Uhm are you sure that's a good idea, what if the person strikes again?" "Oh yeah" Sam offered to kep guard just in case. They agreed.

Sam's POV

It was about midnight now, I was getting rather bored, but still kept watch. I saw Bad wondering around. 'Better not do anything' he saw me and scowled. Then he walked off. Okay he definitely wanted to do something to y/n, but why? Y/n didn't do anything. I saw her puppy Ollie start growling at something. I turned to see someone holding a flint and steal. "HEY" The person looked at me then lit the house on fire. I ran inside to get them up. They were already out in a couple minutes. They were terrified. I put out the fire, it didn't spread much luckily. "You both alright" they nodded. "I think it was Bad, he was snooping around. Then out of nowhere someone lit the house on fire" who though? Was my question. Bad and someone else that's all I know. The other person did look like Skeppy. But he couldn't have did it.

WORDS 1075!

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