¤《Cømmûnįťy Høuśe》¤

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I had to put this song :]

TW: Blood, Fighting, ect

Y/n's POV

I looked out at L'manburg. No one said anything about my warning. Burn something else, they'll get it then. I Walked around till I saw it. The community house. Should I burn it? Maybe.

"Hey y/n" Techno greeted me. "Hello-" "Y/N" Came the only voice that I thought I would never hear again. I turned my head in the direction of the voice. There he was. Standing there as if nothing happened. "Tommy?!" He hugged me. "I heard what happened, I don't understand why Tubbo exiled you" shit should I tell him? No, he'll flip out. "Wait why do you have a mask on?" "Uhm I wanted a new look?" He looked at me for a minute, before laughing. "You look like the green bitch" "Oh my god-" we both were laughing. "So Y/n do you wanna help us take down L'manburg?" Techno spoke up. "Hm? Ya'll are going to distroy L'manburg?" "He is but I'm just getting my discs " Oh so he doesn't care. "Sure, I was already going to" "good, now for the plan"

"Y/n we know you're here" the voice of Tubbo rang out. "Ah I didn't expect you to be here" in all honesty I didn't. I was just trying to find a new home. "Cut the shit, what are you planning" Quackity glared at me. "Hm? Oh eh nothing yet" I shrugged. He brought his sword to my throat. "Bullshit" I knew he was gonna try something like this. "Look, even if I had planned something why would I tell you?" That made him pissed. "TELL US NOW-" I grabbed my dagger from my pocket, and cut his arm. He screamed in pain. The crimson color dripping on the ground.

Fundy ran at me. He swung his sword. I dodged barley. He kept trying to hit me. Tubbo ran up next. I grabbed my sword, and attacked them both. Fundy got distracted, so I took the opportunity. I quickly dodged, and swung my sword. Cutting his leg. He collapsed to the ground. Tubbo then hit my mask with his sword. A piece broke, and fell to the ground. They all stopped. Staring at my face.

Tubbo's POV

I didn't want to hurt her. Her long chocolate brown hair was in a braid (sorry if you don't match the description you can change it if you want) a piece of her mask broke off. Showing her right eye, and a bit of her face. Her once light blue eye, that was always full of life. Was now a blood red color, as if she never had that baby blue color. Her skin around it was now a pitch black, she looked like a monster. This girl in front of me was NOT my sister, the person in front of me was a monster. "What? You did this" she laughed. "W-what? N--no I didn't'' she laughed manicly. "Oh Tubbo how blind are you? This started because of you! And now I'm guessing it spread to my face" her voice was changing into a cryptic sound. "What the hell are y--you?!" Quackity asked while backing up. Still holding his arm in his other hand. "Þhə ßæmə æß æłwæýß" Non of us could understand her.

What was wrong with my sister? "Y--Y/n please th--this isn't you" I begged her. Her eye looked at me. "Þhįß įßńþ Ý/ň, þhįß įß X" it snapped at us. "Ğøđ øf Đæřķņəߧ" I could only make out a few words such as. God, of. I couldn't make out the last word. "P--please give Y/n back" then the creature disappeared. Taking y/n with it.

Y/n's POV

So is it time? Yes it is. I had my flint and steel in hand, in front of the community house. "Goodbye community house" I then lit it ablaze. I heard some yelling, and ran off. What about the mask? It's already back together don't worry. I acted like I just got there. "What the fuck-" "This has Tommy written all over it" Dream sounded angry. "Maybe. But it could be L'manburg fighting back" He ignored me completely. Tubbo, Fundy, Quackity, Sam, Niki, and a few others started walking to the fire. That's our cue to leave. On it.

Words 730!

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