Chapter fourteen: the beginning of the end.

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After Alice slapped Atlas, he couldn't help but start to cry, he got up and he ran, he ran out of the door and down the street, he decided he wanted to be left alone.

He walked through the streets until the sunset, then he returned home, he went straight to his bedroom and closed the door and he lays in his bed

As he lays in his bed he begins to hallucinate again, they have been happening more and more frequently and it has only gotten worse.

This was his worst hallucination.

November 12th, 2023, the day he tried to leave Amber.

He stood in his bedroom, his hands in his pockets and his head looking down at the ground, he couldn't stand to look at Amber, he knew what she would do to him if this went wrong, so he tried to be prepared.

"Amber.. I'm breaking up with you."

He whispered, he flinched, he wasn't expecting to be punched, or kicked, or slapped, but nothing happened.

Amber was silent, she was staring at him with anger and hatred in her eyes. Her hands were balled into fists at her sides, she was shaking.

He took a step forward, he was scared, and almost trembling as he walked closer to her

She grabbed him by his throat and pinned him down against the bed, her hand tightly wrapped around her throat, her nails digging deep into his neck, blood began to trickle down his throat.

"Excuse me? I didn't quite hear you, bunny. Wanna repeat yourself?"

This was his one and only chance, he could apologize, he could tell her he loved her, and maybe she wouldn't be angry at him.

He gulped, and took a deep breath before he began to speak.

"I said- I'-I'm breaking up with you Amber"

She growled and snarled and suddenly she violently attacked him, she grabbed him by his throat, pinning him into the ground, her nails digging deep into his skin

"you are useless Atlas, disgusting and pathetic and useless. No one will ever love a disgusting faggot like you. You are weak. And you are nothing absolutely nothing without me! Do you understand!?"

"That isn't true!"

Alice suddenly comes into the room, she had known of his hallucinations, she just wasn't sure how bad they got. The way atlas described them sounded miserable though. He said it was like going through that day all over again, like he was stuck in a horrible dream.

She slowly wrapped her hands around him and pulled him close.

"Oh atlas...please're ok..."

His hallucinations overtake him and his head started to spin as the only thing he saw and felt was Amber holding him by his shoulders, tears began to pour down his cheeks.

"bunny. Stop crying. This is your fault"

It sounded like Alice, but the familiar words of a horrid ex overshadowed the sounds of a comforting girl.

"Get off of me!"

He suddenly cried out, closing his eyes tightly as he prayed for everything to end.

He begins to hyperventilate through his tears, his already pale skin begins to turn almost blue as his body hits the ground, he was going to faint if he didn't calm down.

She climbed on top of him and began to do CPR, trying to help him.

But his hallucinations didn't stop. Instead of his comforting friends trying to save him, it was his ex assaulting him as punishment for going against her.

"calm down bunny, it'll all be over soon...shh...."

her body pressed against his, he was unable to fight back.

Slowly his eyes close, his body struggling to calm down as he laid on the floor trembling.

He was unconscious, his skin was pale, and his body was lightly trembling from fear.

The young women that had been stalking atlas suddenly appeared, Sydney Jones, appeared in the doorway of his bedroom.

"Stop! Don't you touch my atlas!"

She pushed Alice off of him and picked him up in her arms, she runs as fast as she can and takes him back to her door, she ran track in middle school so this was easy for her.

She took him to her dorm and placed him on the bed, she shot a few pictures before tying his hands to the bed post.

"Sleep tight, bunny..~"

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