Chapter one: A new school

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As 15 year old Atlas approached the red and black gates, he looked up and read the large sign

Elliot Jane Boarding School

He took a deep breath as he saw the girls pouring in, his heart racing in his chest, he felt his anxiety rising slowly but surely.

He took another deep breath, picking up his suitcase, he began to walk in, he looked around, trying to find the deans office. He looked around confusedly, a gurl approached him.

"Excuse me. Are you lost?" The girl looked him up and down, he jumped for a moment taking a step back


"Wait I've never seen you around here before..who are you?"

"Im a-atlas..I'm new here.. and apparently I'm the only boy" his voice had a hint of annoyance as he rolled his eyes

She nodded as she looked at him

"The deans office is that way, I suggest you go quickly before the bell rings"

He nods and quickly scurried off, as he approached the deans office he couldn't help but wonder, was he the only boy?

He walked through the silver-ish doors, and inside was a tall woman.

"Um excuse me? Im here to see the dean"

Her eyes widened in amusement

"Hm. It really is a boy! How interesting. Right that way dear"

He nodded, why was everyone so..surprised? He thought to himself as he walked through the oak-doors.

Inside he saw two green chairs, and a man sitting on one side of the desk, he slowly walked over, taking a seat.

"Hello, Headmaster" he spoke calmly, the sweat that had began to cover his cheeks now going away as he smiled

"Hello Atlas. Welcome to Elliot Jane Boarding school, we are happy to welcome you into our campus. Today you will receive your schedule as well as your dormroom, you will be expected to show up to each class tomorrow but today you will just get settled"

He nodded

"What about the uniforms? T-they're all skirts"

The headmaster sighed

"Unfortunately, we have not had enough time to prepare a male uniform for you, you will have to wear the girls uniform until further notice"

Atlas felt blush covering his cheeks as he sighed, it wasn't the worst thing, it just wasn't preferable.

The headmaster handed him two pieces of paper, one with his dorm room and an envelope containing a black key, and his class schedule.

"Thank you sir"

The man smiled

"Good luck atlas"

He walked out, and headed to his dorm

201, he repeated in his head as he walked along the large hallways, soon he found 201, he took the key from the envelope and opened the door, as he did, he saw a short girl with long black hair standing in front of him

"Im sharing a dorm with a girl!?"

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