Chapter 13: blame

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As atlas felt strength, confidence, and anger running through his veins. His hands were shaking at his sides as he sat down at the table, he looked down at his hands and for a moment he felt ashamed

Ashamed for being so horribly violent

Ashamed for being a scary monster

Ashamed for being the only boy in an all girls school

He watched the security take away the injured crying girl, he growled as he heard her pathetic whimpering, her claiming that he had attacked her.

Alice was standing in the middle of the hallway, staring at atlas as they carried the girl away, as soon as they did, she walked into the room and slammed the door.

"What the actual HELL,Atlas!?"

She seemed angry, scared, her hands were trembling, and she was looked at him like he WAS a monster.

He slowly stood up, his hands down by his sides, he was so small. It was hard to believe ATLAS had been the one to attack.

"She attacked ME first!"

He hissed, his voice was a quiet whisper and his hands were shaking.

"I am innocent in this."

"No atlas. No you are NOT! Why would you attack someone?!"

She growled at him

"you are not understanding me, Alice. That crazy bitch attacked me!"

"No atlas.'you are the crazy one! I mean what were you thinking!?"

He suddenly stood up from his seat

"I was thinking that I was being attacked and I needed to DEFEND myself. And that is all I did"

"And why did she attack you? What started it? What did you do to her?"

Suddenly atlas has a flashback

October 3rd 2022
He was sitting alone in his bedroom at his Mother's house.

The bedroom was cowherd in clothes, his closet and dresser was ripped open and everything was dumped onto the floor after an argument with Amber that ended up in her throwing a tantrum and accusing him of cheating.

He was whimpering as tears poured down his cheeks a, his mom walked in, she witnessed the entire argument but never said anything to stop it.

She laid an empty laundry basket on his bed and began to pick up the clothes that has been thrown across the floor, glancing at him every few minutes

They sat in silence, a thick tension was in the air between the two, she had watched the entire argument and was against him. She was always against him.

Suddenly, his mother spoke.

"What did you do this time, Atlas?"

She had a harsh and judge-mental tone, her eyes narrowed and her brows furrowed as she glanced in his direction, her eyes were glowing with a dark reddish hue.

"I didn't do anything, Mum!"

He sat up straight as he glared back at her, he had his arms wrapped around his stomach as he winced, his body was covered in bruises, Amber threw a few things at him during her tantrum.

"You expect me to believe that? I saw your whole argument, Atlas!"

She gave him a sharp glare.

"Well maybe you don't know everything about my relationship!"

"Oh atlas I know EVERYTHING!"

She slammed her fist against his dresser as she put his clothes away

"You are not innocent Atlas. You are not the victim. Amber is a sweet little girl how could you treat her like this? You never listen. You are disobedient."

The mother always spoke highly of Amber, that was part of the reason she always took Ambers side

She loved Amber

But not the way she loved Atlas.

She adored Amber like a daughter, and Atlas became nothing but a burden.

"I didn't hurt her until she started hitting me! You watched her punch me in the chest and accuse me of being a cheating whore! And all I did was grab her wrist so she would stop!"

Suddenly atlas felt a hard hand across his face, his mother was standing over him.

"It is your fault atlas. YOU are to BLAME."

He put his hand on his cheek and felt an aching pain, and tears began to sting his eyes.

Flashback over

"It wasn't my fault...I wasn't to blame...I wasn't to blame."

"That's wrong Atlas!"

Suddenly he felt a hand across his cheek, she slapped him, the sound of her palm hitting his cheek echoed through the apartment for a moment.

And for a moment

He realized

His life, was never gonna get better.

His life, was never going to be better.

He was never going to get the happy ending he always thought he would get

He realized there was so point in fighting

There was no point in living.

And that was the moment

Sixteen Year Old Atlas Milton Decided That He Wanted To Die.

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