Chapter 10: the discovery

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Monday soon came and again he found himself dreading the day, he barely managed to get himself out of bed and into the shower.

When he was finally dressed he got this strange feeling in his stomach, something seemed different, something seemed odd. He just didn't know what.

As he walks out of the bathroom he sees Alice standing in the kitchen with a plate of food.

It was a delicious breakfast assortment, Eggs, Bacon, Fruits, and waffles, she didn't say anything but there was a note next to it that said "atlas" in her perfectly neat handwriting.

He grabbed the plate and smiled as he looked up at Alice who was watching him

"Thank you, Alice"

She gave him a small nod as he sat down at the wooden table, he began to eat his food, suddenly the weird feeling in his chest went away.

He ate as much as he could as fast as he could, he was so happy to eat a warm meal, he didn't think about the consequences of eating it for once, he couldn't enjoy it.

He finished his meal and stood up, he took his plate to the sink where Alice was doing dishes

"thank you, Alice."

Those were the kindest words he has spoken to her since they met. She smiled at him and nodded.

He grabbed his bag and was on his way, as he happily skipped his way through the campus halls, his bag over his shoulders and his heart feeling big and warm in his chest, he didn't notice the angry glares and small whispers of the other students in the halls.

He had a small smile on his face and everything in what was his always dark world suddenly felt bright, like he was dancing on air

Until he was shoved to the ground by a girl he did not recognize.

Not a word was said as atlas laid on the ground, his books scattered in the pathway, no body batted an eye as they all continue to walk, he picks his books up and slides them back into his bag

He slid it back over his shoulder and tries to shake it off, but she had broken the rose colored glasses that were put over his eyes, and he finally noticed the other students.

All though no one had said anything to him, he could feel the eyes on him, he could hear the not so quiet whispers that students echoed back and fourth.

He walked into his first class and saw his teacher glaring at him

"Something wrong atlas? I don't bite"

As she spoke she took a step towards him, she crossed her arms over her chest as she looked down at him through her sunglasses.

"Take your seat"

She snarled at him, a look of disappointment and hatred flaring in her amber eyes as she watched him take his seat

Class continued on as normal, as girls took their seats they all seemed to be avoiding the empty seat besides him, not that he was complaining about it.

Suddenly the black phone that had been sitting on the teachers desk began to ring, she picked it up and there was a sound of speaking

The only thing the class heard was Atlas' name being said over the phone, all eyes slowly shifted to him.

They watched as the teacher put the phone down

"Atlas, grab your bag please, the social worker is requesting you."

Atlas nodded and grabbed his bags, he made his way out of the classroom with his head down, the social worker was waiting outside her door

"Atlas, hey. Don't worry you aren't in trouble! We just need to talk for a minute" she chuckled as they walked into her office.

The walls were bright blue with pictures of a beach, the floor had off-white carpet, and there were two green chairs, he sat down, placing his bag between his legs.

"So atlas, I heard you are gynophobic"

Her words echoed in his ears as she spoke, his eyes widened and he felt his heart stop.

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